I Finally Found The Courage To Say I Was Way More Than You Deserved

Jan 07, 2019

I’ve been through a lot in the past few months, but now I am finally in a good place. I wrote a letter to my ex-boyfriend to let him know that I am fierce and proud and so much happier now. Here it is:


Before you left me, you said a lot of harsh things to me. You said that I was different, that I was no longer the girl you had fallen in love with. You told me that you were destined to do great things, and I was just holding you back.

The worst thing was that I believed you. I agreed with you when you said I wasn't good enough for you. I thought that all the bad things you said about me were true and that it was no wonder you wanted to get away from me as fast as you could.



Now I know better! Now I know that I was the one who was too good for you. It took me a long time to get to this place, though. I went through months of torturing myself, trying to figure out exactly what I had done wrong because I thought it was something I had done that had driven you away. I went over and over every little detail of what I had said, and done, and worn every time you had seemed unhappy. I hated the way I looked and the things I did. I berated myself for not being the partner that you said you needed.

During that time, I put a big wall between myself and everyone else. No one could get in. I didn't trust anyone. I thought without you, I could not protect myself. It took me months to realize that instead of building a wall to keep myself safe, I had really built a prison that kept me locked away from all the things I enjoy in life.


When my wall started crumbling, I finally began to see the truth. I saw how you never really loved me, but because I thought you did, I made you the center of my world. I saw how I neglected my family and my friends because I thought you were all that I needed. I saw how I trusted you and lost trust in others when it should have been the other way around.

You really fooled me! It's incredible how well you manipulated me. I'm a strong woman, but you made me think that I was weak. I love my family and friends, but you made me think they didn't care about me. I love being open to life, but you made me think I had to hide away in shame.


I loved you with all of me. I could have made you really happy. You never gave me a chance! You threw me away like a used tissue. You don't even know how much you have lost!

Because I loved you so much, I didn't see that you were manipulating me. But you didn't see me either. You carried so much pain from your past, from before you met me. Instead of dealing with your pain like a mature person, you just dumped it all on me. You blamed me for your hurt that was really caused by other people long ago. You made me feel bad because you felt bad inside.


You know what? I don't care anymore. I'm over you. Now I see that your loss was just a learning experience. It was hard, there's no question about that, but in the end, I came out much stronger.

I learned so many important things. I learned to break down my prison walls and be open to the good that is in the world. I've been lucky to meet some incredible people who love me for who I am. I learned that these are the people I should be trusting, not people like you. I learned to avoid people who want to hurt me without pushing the good people away. My life is so much better now that I can hardly believe it sometimes.


Most of all, I learned that was too good for you! I didn't know it then, but you did me a big favor by going away. I am so grateful you are gone from my life.

Have you ever felt like this yourself after someone broke up with you? Let us know your story and be sure to pass this on to all your friends who have ever loved someone who didn't deserve them!