I Don't Give Up Without A Fight, But Once You Lose Me, I'm Gone.

May 18, 2019

When I meet someone I like, I tend to get attached to that person too easily. This often leads to me getting hurt because I let my feelings get in the way. I am a kindhearted person. Love is a passion of mine, and when I meet someone I love, I fight for it with all that I have to give. I don't take this feeling for granted because I've been hurt so many times in the past.


When I go through a breakup, it's often a troubling experience. Calling it quits is hard for me after being in an intimate relationship with someone. Telling people to leave me alone isn't easy when I feel so close to them - it's hard for me to just push that person aside.

When I'm in a relationship, I try to consider the other person's feelings while looking at the situation from all angles before I finally call it quits. Mostly there is a reason why people act the way they do and why they say the things they say. Instead of just pushing people away, I try to find the reason for their actions so that there is some kind of closure instead of just ending the relationship.



I'm a person who will give someone else the benefit of doubt just because I don't like saying goodbye. Sometimes, people make mistakes. They don't mean to make them. If they learn from the mistakes that were made, then it shows that the person cares.

When I love someone, I try to give multiple chances so that they can show that they feel the same way about me. Sometimes, I'll give people third, fourth, or even sixth chances to prove that they can change. Because I'm trying to see the best in people, I tend to get hurt. There's been a lot of pain in my life that I wish wasn't there. But I don't give up on the people I love. I don't walk away from people and situations when they get bad.


Just because something is difficult or is hard to handle doesn't mean that I'm just going to walk away and forget the other person involved. If I know that I can't live without someone and that the person is important, then I will do everything I can to make the relationship work.

If there's something broken in the relationship, I will do everything I can think of to fix it before walking away. Love is a feeling that you shouldn't just walk away from just because it doesn't go the way you expected. If the other person is just as willing to fight, then that's a relationship that has the potential to work. However, if I decide that you need to exit my life, then I won't hesitate to make sure you leave me alone. The only reason why I would ask you to leave is if you do something that is too hurtful for me to look past.


If you cause so much pain in my life that I wouldn't be able to deal with it in a healthy way, I'd have to let you go because all the hope and spark that was once there went away. When I know that there's a chance, I'll stay to try to fix it so that we can save our relationship. I will think of numerous solutions to work it out but only if I think that you care. I am willing to fight for us.

However, when you hurt me to a point that I simply can't recover from, I have to walk away from the relationship. When I make this decision, I will never come back. When I move on with my life, I do so with the intent on bettering myself and making me happier. There was a time when I fought for what we had, but when I realize that there's no point and choose to walk away, don't expect me to ever come back.


There are limits. I know how valuable I am. I will not let myself lower my standards just to make you happy. This isn't a decision that I take lightly, and it's not a decision that's easy for me to make. Don't try to make me feel any kind of guilt because I know I've done everything I could.

Keep in mind that when I leave, I won't be back. Show me you want to fight for what we have so that I don't walk.

Have you ever broken up with someone? If so, was it easy for you to walk away or did you try everything to fix it? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this on to your friends and loved ones - There might be someone out there who needed this today!