I Can Solve My Problems; I Want To Be With A Man Who Doesn’t Become A Problem

Dec 03, 2018

One of the most significant revelations that the most recent generation of women has come to realize is the fact that you don’t need a man to be complete your life. Even the most independent woman is likely sick and tired of being asked if she is seeing anyone at every family function. Sure, she may have a gorgeous mansion, a high-paying job, a thriving social life and be perfectly happy with life.

However, there is always still some trace of lingering pressure to settle down with a significant other. You are completely capable of finding true happiness in life without a man.

Times Have Changed, Ladies


The idea that having a man is a necessity to have a full life stems from over one hundred years ago when women were reliant on men. Women couldn’t own property, vote or buy a home without a husband. This idea is a load of crap and is now long gone.

Unfortunately, the remnants of past times often still linger in the minds of the most modern women. It’s about time that we kick the remains of outdated ideas to the curb.


What Is Independence?

Many people think that women who choose to be independent must be relationship haters. That is absolutely not true. Many women are independent during a time in their life when they simply refuse to settle for just any man.

You can be the most hopeless romantic of all time and choose to keep your independence instead of settling for simply any man that comes along.


There is an old adage that says that you attract people that are in similar places in life. For example, if you are hating your job or are feeling unsatisfied at any point in life, you will attract someone in a similar place in their own lives.

Every romantic comedy wants women to believe that a man will simply come along and transition you into a positive, happy place in life. That is absolute garbage! No one in this life is going to truly take care of you except for you.

If you are struggling with where you are in life it is crucial to put yourself first. It is only when you reach a true sense of happiness and stability in your own life that you will attract the type of person you are truly looking for and can see as a partner in life.

Making A Conscious Choice To Love


Love isn’t a need. Love is a choice that you make every single day. You don’t need a man. You choose to have a man in your life that is a positive addition to your life. Falling in love shouldn’t be something that simply happens.

When you fall in love it should be due to the fact that you have made a conscious decision that you see the other person as a partner that will bring positive elements into your life and meets the criteria you have established for that partnership. You should never be with a man because you feel you need to be taken care of by him.


Additionally, it is equally as toxic to stay with a man you feel you have to take care of. A successful relationship will consist of both people giving as much as they give to each other. Of course, this will ebb and flow during crappy work days or various life situations. However, at the core of a successful relationship will be an equal partnership.

At the end of the day, you don’t need to be saved. You don’t need your problems solved. You don’t need a man who brings negativity into your life just to have a man in your life. At the end of the day, you can save yourself from any problem life throws your way.

You should choose to have a man in your life that isn’t looking to fix your problems or who becomes a problem. You should feel complete and happy in your life whether you have a man or are independent.


How do you feel about solving your own problems rather than relying on a man? Is there a time in your life when you’ve found yourself looking to a man to solve problems in your life? We would love to hear your story! Send this article to your friends and invite them for an interesting discussion as well!