Hydrate Your Skin Everyday In These 5 Simple Ways

Oct 19, 2018

It's that time of year when the air is cooling off and the wind is blowing. Fall is here. This means you need to keep your skin hydrated!

Dehydrated skin can be irritating and ugly. It's great to know there is a way around it. Here are some tips that will help your skin to glow. You'll have that vitality back in no time.


1) Moisturize


Your skin is dehydrated because it has lost moisture. You need to put the moisture back into your skin. Start a habit of moisturizing your skin at least two times a day. Purchase a lotion that's chemical free. If your skin is very damaged, you can use olive or coconut oil.

They are great for boosting moisture. The National Center for Biotechnology Information speaks about the effects of moisturizing on dry skin.

2) Drink Water


Water seems to have a lot of benefits to it so drinking it for your skin, shouldn't be a shock. Water is needed for healthy skin. You will need to ingest at least ten glasses of water every day. Making yourself a large glass of detox water is a great way to start the morning off right.

3) Purchase Skincare Products


Be sure and research the products you buy. Quality is essential. These products can be a little pricey but it will be worth it in the end. A good hydrating serum is a must. You will also need a cream that has hydration boosters. This will help repair your skin cells.

4) Eat Fruits


Eat fruits that are rich in water such as avocado and watermelon. These types of fruits also aid in strengthening your immune system while hydrating your skin. This is where you will see that natural glow returning to your skin.

5) Exfoliate


Your skin will have dead skin cell build up along with dry patches, this is why it's very important to exfoliate your skin. If you don't rid your skin of this, your skin will become even more dry. It could possibly become flaky and itchy. In a worst case scenario, it could even become infected. Exfoliating is something you will need to do every 4-5 days.

Will you be adding this to your skin care routine? Show this to your friends and help them out with these simple tips!

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