Husky Puppy Rescued By Kind-Hearted Vlogger

Jun 01, 2020

If you've ever had a puppy, you know that they have a way of getting into everything. If there's anything they shouldn't do for safety reasons, that's probably the course of action they're most likely to follow. One day, while out in the snow, a Russian man saw this for himself. Luckily, he was also vlogging, so today we all get to see the unexpected experience he had.

Something Unexpected

It was cold out that day in Seyakha, Russia. However, one man was braving the snow and wind to go fishing anyway. On his way there, he noticed something small. It was struggling and squeaking. Its head was stuck in an amber soda bottle. If something didn't change, the poor thing wouldn't be able to breathe much longer. Now, anyone knows that it's important to be careful when approaching any wild animal but this was no wild animal. The man could tell that from its coat and the noises it was making. And after a few tries, he was able to reveal that to the world. When this passerby finally removed the bottle, he was able to reveal a beautiful husky puppy.

The man had another adult dog with him. In the footage of the event, it's easy to see the other dog coming over and sniffing the husky. Once he emerges, the husky is grateful and still mischievous. He and the other dog regard each other and make friends. Then the puppy gets up on his hind legs and to sniff and lick the man. He even tries to get the dirty bottle back again. A puppy loves nothing more than to get his head stuck somewhere where it shouldn't be.

A New Beginning

Luckily for this little pup, there would be no return to the bottle. The man who found him saw how friendly the little guy was. He also looked like a purebred. It stood to reason that this puppy had a human family out looking for him. So while the man brought the puppy home for a meal and a chance to warm up a little bit, he was ultimately happy to return him to his family.

How would you react upon finding a lost pet? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this article along to your friends and family!