Husband Refuses To Go On Concert Date With Wife After She Calls Lead Singer Her 'Dream Man'

Sep 10, 2021

Although it’s not a preferred emotion to feel and it can even lead to problems, it’s common for people in relationships to feel jealous at some point during their relationship. Whether it’s your partner talking to an ex or someone at a restaurant gives them too long of a lingering glare, it’s natural for people to experience jealous feelings at some point. What really matters is how people handle that feeling and how they find a way to move forward.

A husband recently found himself frustrated with the fact that his wife had a huge celebrity crush. Her favorite band is Tame Impala, an Australian psychedelic rock band. Crushing on the lead singer, she was ecstatic to find out that she was able to get tickets to their upcoming concert and finally see them in person. However, her husband was not on board, as he was upset that she had described the lead singer as her “dream man.” The big issue was that the husband and the lead singer look like polar opposites, so this brought up a lot of insecurities on the husband’s end, making him think he was no longer good enough for his wife.

Not wanting to spend the night watching her gush over someone else, the husband simply told his wife that he didn’t want to go to the concert with her. This hurt her, and has caused issues within their relationship ever since. The husband went to Reddit on Aug. 25, 2021, to post about his current situation and seek advice on how to fix it.

It’s normal for people to have celebrity crushes, but it seemed like this one was getting in the way of this couple’s relationship. Starting off his Reddit post, the husband explained that his wife is a huge rock music fan and has not stopped talking about the lead singer of her favorite band, Tame Impala. The husband explained that he is not jealous of a random celebrity, but his emotions eventually got the best of him. 

“She then proceeded to tell me this lead singer is her exact ‘type’ and her ‘dream man,’” the husband wrote. His wife even jokingly wished the singer was single. This began to bring up some insecurities on the husband’s end as he realized he was nothing like the musician. “I am on the bigger side, mixed race, short hair, and the musician is a skinny white dude with long hair,” he explained. However, the husband kept his thoughts to himself so his wife wouldn’t know she upset him, and did his best to move on.

Later, the husband learned that the band was coming to their city. At first, his wife wasn’t able to get tickets since they were so expensive, but one of her friends wanted to sell the pair she had purchased since she was no longer able to go. The wife was ecstatic at the idea of finally getting to see her favorite band live, so she called the husband to confirm that he was good with going with her to the show. Unfortunately, he was not.

“Honestly I’d rather not accompany you to a concert where you’re just going to be fawning over your dream man the whole time,” the husband told his wife. His wife was in complete disbelief and totally shocked that he said that to her, and responded, “Why are you making this about you?” It was clear that she was frustrated that she wouldn’t get to spend the night seeing her favorite band alongside her husband, but her husband reassured her that she could just take someone else since he clearly didn’t feel like going. 

Still upset when she got home from work, the wife was close to tears and called her husband “petty” and “selfish” for refusing to go to the concert. “She said the singer is just a dumb celebrity crush she was rambling about and it makes no sense for me to be taking it personally and making this an issue between us,” the husband explained. However, he doesn’t believe he should apologize, despite the fact that they aren’t speaking to each other.

Reddit users quickly jumped to his defense and assured him that he was not in the wrong. One user commented, “Wouldn’t she enjoy the concert more with someone who wants to go?” Another user said, “Saying someone is the exact opposite of you is her exact type sounds harsh. Maybe she didn’t mean it that way, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable for you to be hurt.” All in all the Reddit users supported the husband for being upset, but encouraged him to have an honest conversation with his wife so they could move forward.

Do you think the husband should have offered to go to the concert with his wife? Or was he right to stand up for himself? Let us know, and be sure to pass this along to your family members and friends, too.

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