Husband Brings Date Night To Wife’s Hospital Window As She Waits To Deliver Their Son

Jun 02, 2020

As of late May, Shona Moeller was on bed rest awaiting the birth of her son, Forest, at the AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center in Hinsdale, Illinois. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, she isn't allowed visitors. But despite having to isolate herself from her friends and family, husband Bob Conlin is making sure she's not alone by setting up date nights outside of his wife's hospital window.

All photos were used with the explicit permission of Shona and Bob Conlin/Facebook

Shona Moeller and her husband Bob Conlin were expecting their first baby during the quarantine, as CBS News reports. Unfortunately, however, Shona developed complications when her water broke 20 weeks early, and thus doctors admitted her to the hospital. Worst of all, her husband wasn't allowed to visit due to the coronavirus outbreak and social distancing guidelines. But that didn't stop Conlin from letting his wife know that she wasn't alone.

All photos were used with the explicit permission of Shona and Bob Conlin/Facebook

According to CBS, Conlin invited his wife on a date and Moeller expected a simple Zoom meeting. But Conlin went above and beyond by showing up outside his wife's hospital window with signs, food and other treats. Conlin even set up a chair and table outside her window so they could have dinner together.

"I wanted her to feel special and loved," Conlin, who is a relationship coach, told CBS. "She's in there by herself and she can't even leave her room. She's going to be there, we're hoping for just three months. We're halfway there."

CBS reports that Moeller's official due date is August 10. However, Conlin explained that she could go into labor at any minute, though the couple expects she'll give birth by June 29th.

"At about 34 weeks the baby is safer out of the womb than in," Conlin told CBS. "So in a situation like ours, which is very rare, they would induce and have the baby born."

Given the high cost of healthcare — much of which isn't covered by insurance — Conlin, Moeller and their doula have launched a GoFundMe to raise money for living expenses and "the lengthy NICU and hospital stay."

All photos were used with the explicit permission of Shona and Bob Conlin/Facebook

Since Conlin has posted photos of his creative date nights on social media, he and has wife have attracted widespread media attention. When reporters asked why Conlin thinks the story resonated with so many people, he said that he was humbled and that his family's journey is a "story of hope."

“I think why this story is getting so much traction is: I think it’s a story of hope,” Conlin said. “It’s been our hope that our baby will make it. And so far he has. Everyone is going through something right now, and I think our hope is giving people hope in their own lives to get through this pandemic and whatever else people are struggling with.”

In the wake of the coronavirus crisis, what heartwarming stories have you noticed in your community? Let us know and spread the love by passing Moeller and Conlin's heartwarming story on to friends and family members.