Humpback Whale Super Soaks Alaska Whale Watchers On Boat Tour

Apr 27, 2019

Whales are the largest animals on the planet. Although they live under the ocean, it is not a rarity to see them in their natural habitat. It is a magical moment to witness these amazing creatures living their unique lives under the deep blue.

Another amazing part of witnessing whales is the chance of getting a misty splash from them. It is an amazing feeling to feel this water on your face as it springs up like a geyser. It is much more satisfying to see the whales in the ocean -- the home where they belong. The experience is much different from seeing whales in a giant aquarium.

In the video, there is a man who has a small boat on which he has the chance to observe humpback whales. The people on the boat are also lucky ones and enjoy themselves like little children on the chance to see the whales gliding beneath them in the water.

The whale-watching tour was filmed by Tristan Krause as the group was floating close to Pleasant Island, Alaska. The lucky group got to see the whales actually jumping out of the water. Mind you, a single whale can be as long as 50 feet and weigh as much as 30 metric tons!

There was a point in which the whale got a little too close to the boat. Some of the passengers were frightened that it might overturn, but it did not. Lucky for them, humpback whales have a distinct behavior on the surface which makes them excellent for observing in the wild.

Even if it is not the first time you see a whale, the excitement is just as big as the first time. The video from Tristan and the group shows a fin going into the water. This led them to believe that the show was either over or the whale was teasing the group. The flicker of the cameras can be heard as people are anticipating what will come next.

Suddenly, water is sprayed up from the ocean as the whale uses its blowhole to splash it up. meanwhile, a giant whale jumps in the air so close to the boat that those inside look like they could almost touch it.

When the whale lands, the tourists on the boat are completely soaked. Obviously, the whales wanted to end the show with a pair of soaked clothes so the tourists never forget this day. They certainly will not forget it.

Do you think the whales had their fun with the tourists? Let us know in the comments and pass this along to your friends and family to brighten their days!