Humpback Whale Gets Trapped In Net, So A Fisherman Risks His Life To Save It By Jumping In The Ocean

Nov 08, 2018

Humans have always had a special connection to animals both wild and domestic. There are countless organizations who seek to improve the lives of animals around the world.

From shelters who take in lost or abandoned pets to organizations who seek to save marine life from pollution, humans have always had an inclination to help fellow animals in need. In fact, billions of dollars per year are donated towards organizations related to animal conservation and rescue.

While some people are willing to donate or volunteer, other people risk going to great lengths to make a difference in the life of an animal.

It's not uncommon for someone to help an injured dog or abandoned cat. There's not a lot of risk involved in calling over a friendly pet who has been hurt and finding them medical attention or a temporary home.

There are many people who are even willing to help wild animals who have been hurt. Wounded birds, squirrels and even deer are sometimes cared for by compassionate people. Larger and more dangerous animals are harder for an average individual to help.

In reality, very few people even have the opportunity to help such large animals. One man had such an opportunity when he saw a humpback whale caught in a fishing line.

Sam Synstelien has been working as a commercial fisherman for years and has had some amazing experiences at sea. His run in with a humpback whale easily tops that list. Sam was out fishing with his friend Nicholas Taron, when the duo came across a whale who seemed to be in distress.

The two fisherman were able to determine that the humpback whale was caught in a fishing line. Unfortunately, many fishing companies leave behind nets and other debris after a fishing expedition.

This whale must have been swimming in a popular fishing area and became tangled in the large line.

While most bystanders would have felt helpless, Sam wasn't content with leaving the poor whale to fend for itself. He did the unthinkable and jumped in the water with the massive animal. To put things into perspective, humpback whales can easily exceed 25 tons and 50 feet in length.

A human is essentially a peanut when compared with these gargantuan whales. Despite the impressive size difference, Sam jumped in the water without hesitation and climbed on to the back of the whale.

Nicholas filmed the entire event and can be heard cheering Sam on in the recording. As if the incident were routine, Sam was able to free the humpback whale within a few seconds of jumping in the water. He successfully cut the cord and the whale was able to swim free.

In an exclusive interview with Inside Edition, Sam admitted that he had never been that close to a whale. He compared the experience to the feeling of jumping from an airplane or skydiving.

Towards the end of the video, the man filming let out a joyous scream as the whale was finally let free.

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