Hulk Is A Giant 175lb Family Pit Bull From The UK

Dec 18, 2019

When we think of a big dog, we generally envision an animal that weighs in at 60 or 70 pounds. If you think that’s big, then you need to meet Hulk! Hulk is a Pit Bull that manages to weigh in at 175 pounds.

Amazingly enough, this massive dog is a big baby that’s more at home as a lap dog than anything else, despite being a breed that’s best known for being a vicious guard animal.

Hulk’s family owns a company called “Dark Dynasty K9s” that breeds animals to provide them to high-profile celebrities, the very wealthy, and those in law enforcement. The animals that they raise are bred specifically to be fearless and perform amazing feats such as running up fences and walls.

 While these dogs are bred to be fierce, it doesn’t stop the owners of “Dark Dynasty K9s” from having a large number of these pit bulls on their 150-acres New Hampshire ranch. The owners explain that Hulk is allowed around their three-year-old and that they trust him completely to be good with the child.

Hulk was bred specifically to be large, a feat that his owners certainly accomplished! He is believed to be part American bulldog and part American pit bull terrier. Bred to be a protector, dogs like Hulk are actually illegal in some countries such as the United Kingdom and even in some American municipalities. 

Pit bulls are involved in more fatal human deaths than any other dog breed, making it obvious why some people are uncertain about having them around their children or even out in public. Watching the family’s three-year-old climbing atop the massive dog’s back makes many people nervous and wonder if the parents really are being safe.

Lisa Grennan, who works for Dark Dynasty K9s, explains that dogs will act on the way that they are raised. She believes that pit bulls are completely safe if they have been properly trained and treated right. Jeff Cummings who is also with Dark Dynasty K9s, displays the dogs’ skills in helping law enforcement by showcasing their ability to subdue criminals who aren’t listening to police commands.

How do you feel about pit bulls? Are they safe and friendly family animals, or a threat on society? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below and then watch the video of Hulk to learn more about this massive animal.