Huge Gorilla And Tiny Wild Bush Baby Become Best Friends

Sep 07, 2018

Who knew a 400-pound ape and the smallest animal on the sanctuary would end up being best pals? Ape Action's Mefou Primate Sanctuary in Cameroon hosts primates and gorillas that are typically endangered by poachers or deforestation.

Bobo the gorilla is just one the several inhabitants who live there.

After his mother was killed by poachers, Bobo found solace, when he was two-years-old, at the sanctuary. Although he's the leader of his gorilla gang, he is kind and gentle.

One day Bobo finds a wild bush baby climbing a tree; it was that day a friendship was formed. Caregivers were shocked to find the silverback gorilla cradling the tiny animal. What was even more shocking is that wild bush babies are nocturnal creatures. The fact that the small animal was awake and active during the daytime made the situation all the more interesting.

The wild bush baby would be seen crawling up Bobo's arm. Naturally, Bobo's friends were curious about the strange animal but like a protective friend the gorilla shielded the tiny animal from harm. The two creatures happily played together for two hours before Bobo placed the wild bush baby back on the tree it came from.

Although the two have separated, the bush baby can still be found in the sanctuary.

Caregivers hope the two can play again one day. Regardless of whether or not the two animals have a reunion, Bobo will always remain the friendly gorilla that took care of a wild bush baby.

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