How Your Body Is Changing After Turning 40 And What You Should Know About It

Oct 30, 2018

Many people have a fear of aging. When you like the way you look now, it can be terrifying to think of your physical appearance changing over the decades. While there are always some downsides to growing older, there are also a few surprising benefits as well.

To reduce your fear of aging, learn more about what happens as you get older. The best way to eliminate fear is to learn more about aging. Once you know what to expect, you will not have to fear any unknown or unexpected changes.

Were you surprised by any of the facts in this article? See if your friends know about all the changes that are about to happen to them by showing them this article.

1. Your Teeth Can Become Less Sensitive

As we get older, our teeth can actually become less sensitive. A calcified tissue known as dentin starts to build up as you become older. Keep in mind that decreased sensitivity may make it harder for you to notice dental problems, so you will need to go to the dentist regularly.

2. Your Metabolism Declines

Your metabolism slowly declines as you grow older. You also lose muscle mass faster and easier. The average woman will gain about 15 pounds between the ages of 40 and 55. The best thing you can do to avoid weight gain is having a healthy diet and exercising.

3. Your Hair Gets Thinner

This is a common issue. After age 40, 53 percent of men become bald. Men generally start losing their hair around the age of 30. Even though women lose hair at a slower, they also go through the same changes. As you grow older, your hair starts to thin. Using conditioner, avoiding hair dryers, eating a healthy diet and getting regular hair trims can help you prevent some of your hair loss.

4. You Could Become Lactose Intolerant

Some people are unable to consume dairy products at any point in their life. Other people develop this problem later on. As you get older, the amount of the lactase enzyme in your body naturally decreases. By the time you are 40 years old, this change can make it difficult for you to digest milk. It can also cause problems within your large intestine when you do try to digest dairy products. An easy solution for this problem is to switch to lactose-free milk and dairy products.

5. Your Taste Buds Change

You start out life with 9,000 taste receptors. This number decreases as you age. In general, sweet and salty tastes will disappear first. Then, sour and bitter tastes will start to weaken. Women tend to experience these changes first. You probably will not even notice the changes because they occur so gradually.

6. Your Hearing and Vision Become Worse

Unfortunately, poor vision and hearing is a side effect of aging. In general, people develop differences in their color perception and require more light to read. They may also suffer from dry eyes. When it comes to hearing, people may suffer from hearing loss because of how the inner ear and tympanic membrane change.

7. You Shrink

From the age of 30, humans start to shrink. By the time you turn 40, you can actually see the differences in size when you measure yourself. Researchers at the University of Arkansas can even tell you about how much you will shrink. From the age of 30 to 70, men will lose an inch in height. Women will lose about double that amount.

The best thing that you can do is eat a healthy, balanced diet. Continue exercising and doing strength training exercises. In addition, eat plenty of vitamin D and calcium to avoid growing shorter.

8. Being a Good Parent Comes Naturally

Older couples are statistically better at being parents than younger couples. They have more life experiences, better stability, and a healthier financial situation. The only drawbacks to having babies after 40 is that it is much harder to get pregnant. Even if couples can become pregnant without a problem, there is a higher risk of complications. A number of health problems are also more likely to occur in the baby. Thankfully, there are a few ways that modern science can help. If you do plan on having children later in life, talk to your doctor about fertility options and managing the risks.

9. You Appear More Self-Confident and Attractive

Psychologists believe that women continuously gain self-confidence until the age of 40. They worry less, avoid toxic influences, find happiness and practice self-love. This boost in self-confidence can also make you appear more attractive to the opposite gender.

10. You Get an Immunity Boost

When you turn 40, you have already been exposed to countless viruses. This has allowed your immune symptom to become stronger than ever before. By this age, you are less likely to get sick because of your improved immune system.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!