How To Use Baking Soda As A Treatment For Calluses, Foot Odor, And Cracked Heels

May 04, 2018

You probably don't pay very much attention to your feet, especially if there's no pain. Most people limit their general foot care to washing in the shower, toenail trimmings, and occasional paintings. Other than that, most people ignore their feet for the most part.

As long as they continue to move you from one place to another, there's not much reason to think about feet, or so the common thought prevails. The truth is, however, that proper foot care should go a lot further, especially for those who deal with rough calluses, cracked heels or even foot odor.

These problems are much more prevalent than most want to believe, but that doesn't mean that people usually do anything about them. However, ignoring these issues can lead to more serious problems. Thankfully, most people probably already have the single ingredient necessary to effectively deal with all these problems.

What's the magic ingredient?

Baking soda is something that almost every kitchen in America is going to have somewhere. It's such a common ingredient that many people tend to overlook its vast range of uses. One of those uses is the treatment of common foot issues like cracked heels and calluses. It can also treat foot odors.

Even beyond uses in the kitchen and as a solution for foot issues, baking soda can also be used in a number of cosmetic and medicinal ways. There are a number of ways you can use baking soda to better your foot health. It can treat foot fungus, which is a common cause of foot odor, and it neutralizes odor in shoes as well.

You can apply baking soda directly to your feet or shoes, or you can prepare a deodorizer bath. This is quite simple and only requires blending two tablespoons of baking soda into a container of lukewarm water in which you can fully submerge your feet. Once the powder has fully dissolved, place your feet in the water and let them soak for about 20 minutes.

For added odor-neutralizing power, add a small dash of white vinegar to the foot bath. This extra ingredient also helps relax the muscles in your feet if they are aching or sore. This bath is one of the best ways to pamper your feet with the treatment they deserve.

The great thing about this method is that it doesn't take much effort nor is it prohibitively expensive. In fact, you probably have everything you need already hiding in your kitchen. You'll find that once you start the practice, you'll have a hard time stopping it on a daily basis.

Give your opinions or success stories with this treatment and spread the word if you think others could benefit from it.

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