How to Prevent Getting Ingrown Hair And Get Rid of It?

Oct 11, 2018

Ah, the blasphemous ingrown hairs strike again. Ingrown hairs are typically seen as tiny bumps that form on the armpits, bikini area, and legs. They are caused by hairs growing inward instead of outward. They're benign but can be aggravating at times.

Don't worry, with preventive measures you can stop these bumps from forming. This article will also discuss how to get rid of ingrown hairs if they've already formed.


Tweezing is great for getting rid of the stubborn hair that come out no matter what you do. However, it's important to moisturize the area before using tweezers. This helps prevent the hairs from being stretched and curling in on themselves.

Tight Clothing

I get it, skinny jeans are cute and flattering for most people, but that doesn't mean these clothing items are good for you. Tight clothing restricts blood flow in your body. It can also prevent your hairs from growing out in their natural direction.

Instead of growing out of the shaft properly, the hair will be trapped. If the hair has nowhere to go then it will grow beneath the skin causing bumps.

Curly Hair

Curly hair has a natural tendency to curl in on itself due to the shape of the hair follicle. You can't change your hair texture but you can moisturize as a preventive measure. This will help the hair not curl as much.


Shaving is common as part of one's hygiene routine. There's nothing wrong with shaving unless you don't use shaving cream or moisturizer beforehand. Shaving dry can cause the hair to be uneven which in turn causes the hair to grow inwards. An easy solution to this problem is to use shaving cream. Problem solved.


Cleansing your skin is important. Exfoliating is great for removing dead skin on your body. Another cause of ingrown hair is that dead skin can block the hair from being able to grow out of the hair shaft. Having nowhere to go, the hair grows inwardly.

Solve this problem by exfoliating your skin regularly. There are many cheap DIYs on the internet if you don't want to buy one.

Ingrown hair can be a nuisance but with proper care and treatment, they can be prevented.

Tell us your opinion, do you suffer from ingrown hair? Do you plan on trying out these tips?