How To Get Rid Of Bloated Stomach Naturally In Just 24 Hours

Apr 23, 2018

Having a bloated stomach is something that many people experience whether it be occasionally or almost on a daily basis. It can be uncomfortable physically and it can also cause you to feel very self-conscious about yourself.

Rather than turning to over the counter medications to target your bloat issues, you can use some natural cures to reduce the symptoms that are associated with bloating and some of these remedies can work in as little as twenty-four hours.

Lemon Water

When you wake up in the morning sip on some warm lemon water before you eat your breakfast or get going for the day. Lemons can aid in getting your digestive system started for the day and reduce bloat you may have woken up with.

Consume Tropical Fruit

Pineapple, papaya, melons, and berries contribute to a flat belly thanks to the enzyme bromelain which helps to break down your food thoroughly. 


Avoid Dairy Products

Milk and other milk-based products promote excessive inflammation and gas in your stomach and digestive tract. Avoid milk whenever necessary as most people have difficulty digesting milk.


Increase Your Fiber Intake

Fiber helps keep your digestive system moving and prevent bloating due to gas. You can add fiber to your diet by way of things like oats, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, fruits, and vegetables.


Add Quinoa To Your Meals

A gluten-free grain that will fill you up but not cause gas and bloating, quinoa can be used in place of rice or pasta and contains lots of healthy vitamins and minerals that aid in digestion.


Not only will it relax you at the end of a long, stressful day but it will also help soothe your stomach and reduce bloat. Make a warm cup of chamomile tea each evening to jump start your digestive system again.



If you are having constipation issues or are bloated, bananas can reduce these concerns and help keep you regular. 


Reduce Stress In Your Life

Whether you are overworking yourself in the office or you have unwanted stress going on at home, stress can lead to a sluggish and unhealthy digestive system. Setting aside some time each day to unwind and de-stress can help stomach bloat.



Great in a number of recipes, fennel can also be added to tea to soothe your stomach and reduce gas. You can add a little fennel to a cup of warm tea or even chew on it after a large meal that isn’t sitting well in your stomach. There are ginger and fennel supplements that can be used for calming your stomach and these can be found at a natural health food store or online.

With some of the more common reasons for bloating being stress, menstruation, allergies and dehydration, there are some simple changes that you can make to your everyday diet and routine to help you feel better.

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