How To Detect High-Functioning Alcoholism Before It's Too Late

Apr 16, 2018

Nobody wants to admit their weaknesses, which is why getting help with our worst habits can seem impossible. Alcoholism can sometimes be a very fine line that even you can't distinguish in yourself. Here is how to learn the differences between a casual drinker and a high-functioning alcoholic.

1. Liquid Dinners


If you or anyone you know choose to drink instead of eating a meal, that is a huge indication that there is a problem. If someone is regularly filling their stomachs with alcohol instead of a fulfilling meal, then they have an addiction.

2. Hangover Immunity


If someone drinks regularly enough that they've developed an incredible tolerance for alcohol, then they are putting so much stress on their bodies. If you know someone who is still speaking clearly after multiple shots, that's a red flag.

3. Irritability


An alcoholic will get extremely cranky if they know they won't have access to alcohol for an extended period of time.

4. No Limits


There is no such thing as one drink for an alcoholic. They will want to keep drinking until they can't anymore.

5. Impaired Memory


If you find that you or anyone else you know regularly forgets details about night's when they were drinking, then they probably blacked out and suffered from bad memory loss.

6. Denial


An alcoholic will always deny having a problem because they likely don't want to change their habits!

7. Justification


Alcoholics will always have a reason to drink, whether they are celebrating or mourning any event in their life, big or small. Every occasion is cause for drinking.

8. Hiding Their Habit


You may not know someone is an alcoholic because they like to drink alone where no one can judge them. They will hide their supply and cover up any shadiness.

9. Moodiness


Alcoholics can suffer from severe mood swings depending on when their last drink was. They can be extremely pleasant when they're drunk or swing all the way to being a violent drunk. If it's been a long time since their last drink, they will vocalize their misery.

10. Hopelessness


Alcoholics quickly lose sight of their happiness and can even stop caring about their loved ones. Their life begins to revolve around their addiction, even though it's ruining their lives. They will rationalize their addiction to prevent themselves from seeing that there is a problem.

11. Joking


Making jokes about your flaws is the easiest way to prevent others from making the jokes first. They will try their best to hide their suffering through light-heartedness.

12. The Clock


Happy hour exists because most people like to enjoy a drink with their dinner after a stressful day at work. If someone is drinking in the morning, then they probably have an addiction.

Spread these warning signs to potentially save a life by identifying an addiction!