How Do I Fix My Nutritional Deficiency? 8 Ways to Improve It

Jun 22, 2018

Our bodies are like well-oiled machines if they have the perfect balance of all the components that make it run well. But sometimes that is not the case, and we can be susceptible for any number of deficiencies including vitamin D and C for bone and organ functions as well as minerals like iron and magnesium for healthy blood and nervous functions.

With at least 60 different types of chemical components that make up our body’s functional mechanisms, it is no wonder that we lack from time to time a balance of all the nutritional properties for optimal body performance. Some are more easily maintained than others, but there are a few signs that you can aware of what your body is telling you to fix a nutritional deficiency:

1. Thinning Hair and Brittle Nails

This is usually brought on by a lack of protein which is an integral part of the body’s functioning processes. If there is a lack of sufficient protein present in your diet, it will manifest itself in white line patterns in your nails on both your hands and feet, loss of hair, and muscles becoming easily bruised at even the slightest contact with something. Eating foods high in protein like meat or legumes if you are a vegan or vegetarian will help to resolve this deficiency quickly and effectively. Other foods to consider are leafy green vegetables, tofu, and grains such as in oatmeal.

2. Dry Skin

If you are in the habit of moisturizing your skin, but you still see wrinkles forming at an irregular pace, then you are probably lacking in the essential fatty acids of Omega-6 and Omega-3. These act as a nutritional barrier that holds moisture in the skin and deters it from drying up causing not only wrinkles but skin that is chronically flaking, cracked, and even itchy skin. You can also experience dry scalp problems caused by fatty-acid deficiency such as dandruff. Eating more fish that high in these important fatty acids coupled with drinking more water should result in more supple skin.

3. Exhaustion and Weakened Muscles

So often we associate fatigue with overwork and not enough sleep. Sometimes, we still find that we are tired even after we try to sleep more and work less, and that is usually a result of a deficiency in magnesium in your diet. Introducing foods that are rich with magnesium will give your body the balance it needs to ward off exhaustion and strengthen muscles. These include adding a variety of seeds to your diet such as almonds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, cashews and yes, even the cacao seed better known as chocolate!

4. Pallid Skin

If no matter how much plumping of your cheeks you try to do to add color to your face isn’t working, it may be because of iron deficiency. A severe lack of iron can cause extremely low levels of red blood cells and even deter the manufacturing of new ones leading to anemia. This gives your skin a pale and ghost-like appearance that can only be remedied by adding more iron-rich foods to your diet daily. This includes red meat, beans, green vegetables like broccoli and spinach, and the additional of an iron pill or doctor-prescribed supplement until your iron level is sufficient.

5. Chronic Skin Blemishes

The biggest culprit of acne and other skin rashes can usually be found in poor diet habits such as eating an abundance of fast foods or an overall greasy diet. This prompts the body to work twice as hard to digest these “heavy” foods and leads to a deficiency in zinc in your intestinal region as well as your immune system in general. Focus on replenishing your supply of zinc and eat foods like beef, chicken, cashews, mushrooms, and some leafy greens like spinach and stay away from fast food selections.

6. Rapid Weight Gain

If you haven’t been packing on the pounds because you have been eating a lot more, than maybe the reason for it is a deficiency in iodine in your system. Thyroid function is directly related to the metabolization of iodine in the body’s system. If you lack this or have a low level of it, then the body must try to work twice as hard to metabolize fat. When it can’t keep up, it will store the fat instead of burning it. Taking an iodine supplement will help with this since there are few foods with the level of iodine needed to resolve this issue. But, you can get some of this nutrient in seaweed salads, shellfish, and adding iodized salt to your food in reasonable quantities.

7. Excessive Gum Bleeding and Slow-Healing Wounds

Not only is gum bleeding a possible sign of gum disease, but it is a direct result of a lack of vitamin C in your diet. There are actual groups of people who are more susceptible to this type of deficiency including senior citizens, chronic smokers, pregnant women, and women who are breastfeeding over a period of time. Eating more fruits as well as any kind of fresh vegetable on a daily basis will immediately help with this deficiency along with taking a daily vitamin C supplement.

8. Being Depressed All the Time

 We all have our bad days where we feel less than ourselves but having chronic depression could be a sign of a vitamin D deficiency. People who tend to stay indoors are susceptible to a lack of vitamin D which can be replenished with sunlight. So, even if the elements outside are not to your liking, making an effort to step outside on a sunny day for a few minutes can make a huge difference in your intake of vitamin D. You can also eat more fish like salmon, herring, and shrimp. If seafood isn’t to your liking, then consume more egg yolks and mushrooms as well as milk to fortify your vitamin D.

Whatever your signs are, you may have a combination of several deficiencies, and it is always best to also consult with a physician if you see yourself in any of these symptoms. If you have experienced these symptoms or any others, let us know to enlighten others to find some relief.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!