How 21 Strange Symptoms Might Mean Severe Medical Issues

May 15, 2018

As you get older, your body will start to change. Your movements may slow, you may find it harder to move certain joints, and your senses might start to diminish. Most of these typical aches are just a normal part of the aging process. However, there are some unusual symptoms of which you should be aware.

1. Bad Breath

If you go through the basic oral care routine, including brushing your teeth and rinsing with mouthwash, but you still have bad breath, it could be sign of halitosis. Halitosis is a symptom of several serious conditions, like diabetes or kidney disease.

2. Jaw Pain

As long as you have a good oral care routine, you shouldn't have to worry about jaw pain. If you are experiencing it, it could mean anything from the onset of a heart condition to a misalignment of the jaw itself.


3. Hair Loss

In many cases, hair loss is simply a natural part of aging, but it could relate to thyroid issues. If you experience copious hair loss suddenly, or you are less than 50 years of age, you should alert your doctor if your hair starts to thin.


4. Female Chin Hair

A female growing thick hair on her chin might be experiencing the first stages of polycystic ovary syndrome. Other associated symptoms include weight gain and acne.


5. Hearing Loss

While it is natural to lose some hearing as you get older, it is possible for certain conditions to cause the process to hasten. If you are particularly young when you experience hearing loss, it could be a sign of diabetes.


6. Thigh Pain

Many older patients complain of leg pain since it is common, but pain specifically in the thigh can signal the onset of a blood clot or even bone cancer.


7. Colored Urine

Your urine should be clear or pale yellow at most if you are properly hydrated, and dehydration causes the urine to become darker yellow. Other colors point to other conditions. If your urine has any pink or red, it could be blood related to a urinary tract infection.


8. Loss of Nail Growth

If your fingernails and toenails stop growing, you should see a doctor. These symptoms are often paired with reduced hair growth, ulcers, and cold extremities. That could point toward peripheral artery disease.


9. Striped Hair

You hair should be a fairly even color, so if it starts to grow with natural streaks, consult a doctor. You could be suffering from a lack of proper iron and protein sources in your diet.


10. Bleeding Gums

If your gums start to bleed easily, it could be a sign of gum disease, but there are other serious conditions that can cause this sort of bleeding. In some cases, certain forms of cancer can do the same thing.


11. Flu Symptoms

If you experience symptoms associated with the flu outside of flu season, and they don't go away over time, it could mean that you have a chronic condition like Lyme disease.


12. Pain in the Heel

Heel pain is an expected side effect of working on your feet all day, but those who don't perform such work but still feel heel pain might have a more serious issue. Back problems can often be felt in the heel.


13. Smell Sense Loss

As you age, your sense of smell will gradually weaken, but if it happens all at once or over a period of just a few days, it could be a sign of a more serious problem like Alzheimer's disease.


14. Widened Eye Veins

The veins in your eyes are a precursor for vein activity in your brain, so if they suddenly grow larger and stay that way, you should consult a doctor. This could be a sign of dementia or even something as simple as high blood pressure.


15. Urge To Eat Ice

A lot of people chew on ice chips for the occasional calorie-free snack, but those who constantly feel compelled to eat ice might be suffering from anemia. In some cases, it could even be a sign of pica, which is the urge to eat anything that isn't food, like paper or sand.


16. Dirty Rash

If you have a strange rash on your neck that won't go away, it could be a sign of diabetes. In some cases, these same discolored patches of skin also point toward imbalances in bodily hormones.


17. Discolored Stool

In many ways, the health of your bowel movements is deeply related to your overall health. If you notice that your feces has turned a dark black color and remains that way for some time, it could be a sign of internal bleeding adding blood to the stool.


18. Frequent Urination

With enough water, it can feel like you have to urinate more than you should, but it's not an issue until you have to make multiple trips to the bathroom each hour. This could point to diabetes, a UTI, or a kidney stone.


19. Dry Mouth

A dry mouth by itself isn't necessarily bad, but when combined with mouth sores and split lip skin, it could be a sign of an autoimmune disorder.


20. Earlobe Creases

Creases in your earlobe could point toward an increased risk of stroke or heart attack.


21. Abnormal Fingernail Growth

Variations in your normal fingernail growth could point toward various skin cancers, heart conditions, or even lupus. ​​​​​


Have you had any of these symptoms before? Spread the word of these symptoms to help others discover them on their own! 

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!