Homeless Romanian Dog Desperately Looking For Food Finally Finds A Home

Jan 08, 2020

Buzu is a happy senior dog that has a good life, but Buzu’s life wasn’t always pleasant. Actually, it used to be anything but enjoyable. Until he was rescued in Romania, this dog was very unhappy. He was living on a street in a cardboard box, and he never knew where he’d find his next meal.

When Buzu was homeless, he would run up to strangers and wag his tail. He was trying to be friendly, and he was probably hoping that these people would give him something to eat. But the dog was ignored by almost everyone he approached, and it was a heartbreaking sight.

After someone came along and gave Buzu a box to sleep in and a pillow to sleep on, people from the animal rescue team known as Howl of a Dog caught wind of the situation. They began to investigate what was going on, with the intention of helping the dog.


The rescuers from Howl of a Dog discovered that the canine had been homeless for approximately one year. Searching for food was something he was used to, as was the persistent itching he experienced from being infested with fleas.

When the rescuers went to rescue Buzu, they noticed that his pillow was missing. His only source of comfort had been suddenly removed.

The rescuers attempted to gain the dog’s trust by giving him doggie treats, and after a while, they succeeded. They were able to pet the pooch as he gobbled up what they gave him, and he expressed his joy by swinging his tail.

Buzu was taken to the rescue shelter, and he was bathed to get rid of the fleas living on his body. He had a look of relief on his face when his rescuers washed him.

The condition of Buzu’s skin was serious, and he had a few bald spots. His oral health was not good either as some of the dog’s teeth were broken, and some were gone.

Emma took Buzu into her home twelve months after he arrived at the shelter. She gave him a wonderful life that includes a comfortable place to live, a field to romp and run in, and holiday clothing. He always has food, and he’s never without a playmate because Buzu now has a female canine sibling.

Have you ever considered adopting an animal in need? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this article along to others!