Hilarious Pig Learns To Photobomb His Five Siblings

Jul 17, 2020

Meet Chowder, a seven-year-old Vietnamese pot-bellied pig who’s found friendship and family through a group of five rescue pups — named Bashe, James, Nya, Slick, and Rika. Together, this unlikely team makes up the Instagram account Piggy Poo and Crew.

With such an adorable smile, who wouldn't pay more attention to the smiling pig instead of the stone-faced siblings? After all, being the leader of the pack isn't easy. Since coming on board and declaring himself the boss, he decided to make some changes to the way his siblings were doing things.

Indeed, Chowder is quite the ham: he loves being the boss, and being the center of attention suits him just fine. He was adopted by his "parents" and welcomed into a home with five dog siblings. It wasn't a fairy tale introduction.

Chowder clammed up a wee bit as he surveyed his new environment. But, as he got to know everyone, he gradually warmed up to them, and then, took over. 


Chowder was quite the proper pig and needed the behavior of his siblings to line up to his standard. He started with proper etiquette such as, if you want a treat, form a line, and await your turn.

He prevented his siblings from digging in the dirt, which up to that point, was just dog play. And running by the pool? That was a no-no. Even though Chowder's proper etiquette training was cramping their style, they did not challenge him. His gargantuan size was pretty intimidating.

It appears as though the siblings grew weary of Chowder's behavioral modifications because they decided to do something about it. They turned the tables on him and Chowder was about to discover the symbiotic relationship between pigs and mud.

Initially, Chowder was not impressed. Seems he wanted to continue being proper but his siblings' refusal to stop playing made an impact. He eventually caved in and what do you know! He learned that disregarding the rules he created to play with his siblings wasn't so bad after all. In fact, it was fun. He didn't go quite hog-wild, but thrashing freely in that pool was much more fun than a proper line formation. Letting loose had its benefits.

So, the moral of the story is to relax and enjoy life. Don't make unnecessary rules that make life difficult. Photobomb family pictures. How else are people going to know about your million-dollar smile? And dirt is not just child's play. Its fun factor is also made for digging and wallowing. 

Did you learn something about Chowder, or how the animal kingdom responds to being bossed around by a newcomer? Let us know your thoughts and be sure to pass it on to your friends and loved ones.