Hero FedEx Driver Abandons Route To Extinguish House Fire And Gets Captured On Camera

Nov 23, 2020

Did anybody in Los Angeles just order a hero via FedEx? In an unbelievable feat of altruism, company driver Jason Sloan momentarily abandoned his route in response to a nearby house fire. In the end, his noble actions totally saved the day. Apparently, the well-known shipping company deals in more than one kind of miracle delivery!

For Sloan, it all started as a routine workday. While dropping off a package, something completely out of the ordinary caught his attention. Upon witnessing plumes of smoke on the horizon, this faithful employee suddenly decided to change course and see what was happening. He soon discovered a billowing fire emerging in a resident’s backyard. Without pausing, Sloan quickly sprang into action.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

A conveniently placed doorbell camera captured the FedEx driver’s fast-moving instincts in motion. Instead of calling 911 and waiting for a dispatch, Sloan took matters into his own hands. After shouting for assistance from neighbors and receiving no response, he somehow snagged a water hose. After climbing atop a pair of trash cans, the dutiful bystander doused the blaze before it could do any more damage. Amazingly, the entire incident was immortalized on tape.

As it turns out, the property belongs to a man named Alberto Ríos. When the fire started, both he and his wife were at work. Thus, no one was home to avert this potential catastrophe. If not for the fortunate happenstance of Sloan’s arrival, the home would have been fully engulfed in flames.


Hurrying Home and Expecting the Worst

While Sloan employed his saintly effort to prevent a tragedy, Ríos received multiple urgent calls from neighbors to notify him of the burgeoning inferno in his backyard. Naturally, a frantic rush to leave work and get back home ensued. There is no way he could have imagined that the impending devastation would be averted before he even made it to the scene. When all is said and done, the mad dash was all for naught. Thanks to an angelic intervention, everything wound up just fine by evening.

By the time he showed up, Ríos had nothing to do except give Sloan a whole-hearted thanks. Surprisingly, the FedEx driver had left ground zero by then and returned to his deliveries. As a result, Ríos took his gratitude to the media, and he stated his appreciation in an interview with NBC by saying, “There are not many people who would have done the same thing. There were cars that passed by and did not nothing.”

The Magnificent Power of Selflessness

A propensity for good deeds is clearly evidenced within Sloan’s nature; in fact, he was actually covering this shift for a coworker. The choice to serve as a substitute on a holiday ultimately generated a chain of events that culminated in a truly remarkable act of heroism. A uniquely profound embodiment of utilitarianism is confidently encapsulated by this humble rescuer. Indeed, all it took was an unexpected Veteran’s Day detour to turn Sloan into a local legend.

The world would be a much better place if more people showcased the commitment to humanity that Sloan inadvertently put on display. A willingness to do the right thing regardless of the risks involved is a serious rarity in society these days. We should all aspire to be dutiful attendants of civilization in a similar fashion.

The Next Big Ad Campaign

FedEx took their propensity for saving the day with urgency to a whole new level. In terms of free marketing, this story bestows a big advantage for the corporation. This is an impressive look for any brand, and they stand to benefit greatly from Sloan’s elevation to online fame. The clip of his spontaneous reaction to an emergency is going viral for all of the right reasons. If we are able to draw any conclusions from this footage, then it is safe to say that FedEx possesses an incredible training program.

This is the type of feel-good story that we need to have in 2020. It also captures the era brilliantly. Sloan is rocking his pandemic look with a sharp black mask and matching shades. If you know anyone who could use a reminder that now is the time to look out for strangers in peril, then simply direct them towards this uplifting video. This phenomenal stationary recording will bring out a passionate empathy in practically every viewer that witnesses it.

While watching Sloan make mincemeat out of a looming tragedy, it’s impossible not to consider our own individual responsibilities to make a difference in this life. Everyone should strive to identify with his fearless immediacy and intuitive capacity for intelligent responses. What did you think about this story? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this article along to others!

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