Here's The Reason Why She Never Wants To Get Attached Again

Nov 14, 2018

Attachments aren't always positive. Yes, it is a good thing to be attached to relatives you love, a healthy lifestyle, and a desire to learn something new every day. Attachment to materialism, however, can prove destruction. Attachments to consistently unhealthy relationships might even be worse. Experience teaches everyone something important. Experience may reveal why becoming attached to the wrong people proves harmful.

People Aren't Always Honest

The world is filled with scores of beautiful people. Unfortunately, not every person fits the description of "wonderful." They aren't always honest with their intentions or behaviors. They make promises with no intention of keeping them. They reveal their true, less-than-friendly nature upon feeling they can "get away with it." Disappointments soon follow once you discover someone isn't what he/she claims. Dejection worsens when you maintain an attachment to the wrong individual. Maybe being less attached to people is the right path to take in the future.

The One-Way Street of Failed Attachment

One person might be attached to someone. Does the other person feel the same way? Maybe they don't, and that is their prerogative. When you focus too much on attachment, you don't always see things from the other person's perspective. You might assume everyone feels the same way. Assumptions about relationships turn out disastrous.

You Can't Force Attachment

Attachment frequently comes with a belief of permanence. Forming an attachment to someone or something may go hand-in-hand with the notion you can keep the connection going forever. What happens when the other person decides to leave? What do you do when a preferable work or life situation comes to an end? You must deal with the end of your once-beloved attachment. Embracing attachment comes with a false belief of the "forever attachment." False beliefs lead to disappointments.

You Don't Rule the World

You can't assume the world always bends to your wishes. You don't own everything you touch. Creating the belief in your mind that you do could lead to entitled feelings of attachment. Since you don't rule or control the world, you can't force others to adhere to your sense of attachment. Disappointment eventually emerges at some point. Accept others make their own decisions. Realize their choices might not coincide with your desires. Get ready to learn life comes with disappointments and accept the reality.

Parting Words on Attachment

What's the best reason people disregard the feeling of attachment? Ultimately, attachment serves as a source of suffering. Decreasing attachment could mean less pain? Doesn't that sound like a better way to live?

Letting go of attachments can be a good thing. Wouldn't you like to help others embrace non-attachment? Tell us your thoughts and give others insights into the benefits of discarding attachments.