Here's How A Man Given Only 18 Months to Live Defied Doctors And Cured His Cancer Illegally

Aug 03, 2018

David Hibbit of Staffordshire, UK received a diagnosis no one wants to hear. At just 32 years of age, he was informed by his doctors that he had cancer.

After undergoing treatment in 2013, he  refused to put his body through the brutal effects of more chemotherapy. David, with absolute conviction, told his doctors that he would no longer be seeking treatment.

With his refusal of chemotherapy, his doctors told him he would probably only live another 18 months, at most.

David explained his reasoning to stop such treatment to Metro, stating, " I felt like the chemo was killing me, and I had nothing to lose. I could not really accept I was going to die."

David had absolute faith in his survival and refused to listen to the prognosis. He knew that chemotherapy was not the right treatment for him.

Knowing he was not seeking chemo treatments at the time, his friends decided to share with David what they had heard about cannabis oil and its treatment of cancer. While curious about these anecdotal accounts, David was not sold on the idea, claiming that he had never been into drugs in his past.

In 2013, after having had a horrible year of radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and surgery, David was ready for a miracle. All these treatments had been done to remove his large intestine, yet the cancer had not been stopped. Instead, it continued to spread.

Finally, at his breaking point, David decided to give this unorthodox cannabis oil approach a try.

And miraculously, 18 months after his decision to forgoe chemotherapy, David's doctors, with shock, finally declared him cancer free.

Of course, while David's story is nothing short of miraculous, Cancer Research UK is not jumping behind the use of cannabis oil, stating they are not aware of its use for cancer treatment nor of any "good evidence" to support it. Cancer Research UK is, on record, unconvinced that it is both a safe and effective way for some to treat cancer.

David, however, having now gotten his life back, would simply disagree.

What do you think of David breaking the law in order to try an unorthodox treatment? Would you have done it? Let us know in the comments, and pass this miraculous story on to friends and family!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!