Here Are Common Signs That A Narcissist Is Manipulating You

Jun 12, 2019

Narcissists are all around us. They are bosses, coworkers, and family members. At first, they’ll seem charming and super confident. They’ll get you to lower your guard and do them small favors. The things they get you to do will slowly become more and more like bullying. While you are doing them favors, the narcissist will train you to begin doubting yourself. Then, they will isolate you from what makes you unique.

At some point their ego was damaged, so they protect it at all costs. Threats to their ego are treated as threats to their survival. This makes them lust for attention. This makes them different from a psychopath since a psychopath doesn’t care what others think according to the Atlantic. When a narcissist has you in their clutches, you’ll need a list of the red flags to look out for. Be warned that some people have a few of these traits that Thought Catalog has reported on. But, if someone has more than five of these traits, you should leave while you can.

Here are 18 signs to be aware of

Don't hesitate to leave a situation where someone is using these dirty tricks on you. If a narcissist doesn't get their dose of self-importance, they will have to move on. If you have any other warning signs based on your experiences, let us know in the comments and be sure to spread the word about this article – it could help someone!