Here Are 14 Things You Need To Know If You Date A Taurus

Dec 04, 2018

Have you dated a Taurus before? If you haven't, get ready for an incredible experience! While all signs have their own unique qualities, there are a few things that you need to know about Taurus before you get too seriously involved.

14. All Taurus are undeniably sexy

When you meet a Taurus, you'll immediately know their sign because they are all nearly impossible to resist. Ever saw a stranger and suddenly felt a connection? That's probably because they were a Taurus.

13. Taurus love to be in control

Taurus can't be told what to do and love to be in control. You might as well stop trying to take the reigns and just trust a Taurus. They almost always know what they're doing.

12. Taurus never lose

Taurus are strong, relentless, and want to win no matter what. Taurus are the type of people that you know will lead you to success.

11. Taurus are usually quite private

A Taurus won't want to automatically announce that they are in a relationship. Since they're private people, they'll want to hold on to this secret for a while.

10. Taurus like to be nosy

Taurus don't really like sharing much about themselves, but they do love sticking their noses into other people's business! While their curiosity may be off-putting at first, they're only doing it because they care.

If you're a private person, you'll need to open up a bit to get closer to your Taurus partner. As you reveal more about yourself, they'll start to share more too.

9. A Taurus loves dark things.

Dark shows, twisted mysteries, creepy movies, you name it -  a Taurus will love it. If you're a fan of horror and drama, get ready for a lot of movie nights in your future.

8. Taurus are sarcastic

What may come off as rude is really just a Taurus trying to tell a joke. Indulge them. If they do ever say anything that hurts your feelings, try to take it with a grain of salt. They may be sarcastic, but they don't want to hurt you.

7. Taurus aren't bothered by the opinions of others

Taurus are quite happy with who they are. They don't need the validation of others to feel complete - they complete themselves.

6. Taurus are very honest.

Taurus will give you their honest opinion about anything and everything. Be very careful when asking your Taurus for their opinion; you might not like what you hear.

5. Taurus have psychic abilities.

Your Taurus can predict the future and can even figure out what you're thinking before you even say anything.

4. Taurus are quite protective.

Taurus are incredibly protective and will do everything in their power to keep you safe and happy.

3. Taurus like to be resourceful.

Taurus are quite helpful and innovative when it comes to solving problems. They can find creative solutions that other people wouldn't even dream of.

2. Taurus always know if you're lying.

Never lie to a Taurus; they'll know. They'll be able to sense the truth behind your lie in an instant, and their stubbornness means they'll get to the bottom of it before you can even think of lying again.

1. Taurus are vindictive.

Thinking about hurting a Taurus? Think again. They'll get their revenge, even if it takes them years to do it.

Is this an accurate depiction of a Taurus? Have you ever dated a Taurus or are you one yourself? Tell us in the comments and pass this on to friends and loved ones who are Taurus as well.