Heartwarming Moment Shows German Shepherd Reunited With Her Soldier Owner After 9 Long Months Apart

Sep 13, 2018

Have you ever been away from a loved one for a long time? Can you imagine your reaction when you were finally able to see them again? These priceless moments are often recorded in order to spread joy to others, and this video is sure to warm your heart! Although you may have an amazing reaction to a loved one’s return from a period of time away, your reaction has nothing on this German Shepherd!

It has long been known that animals and humans have a unique bond that cannot be broken. Dogs are able to recognize their owners after even long periods of time without seeing them, and they never forget the ones they truly love. This happy German Shepherd gave a joyful welcoming after her father returned home after a 9-month long period.

This dog is proving that the canine species really is a man’s best friend. If you can imagine how your dog acts when you return home from a long day of work, this dog’s reaction is 100 times more joyful than that! The German Shepherd’s name is Freyja, and her male owner had to leave for duty in the United States military.

Although he loved his dog, he was forced to leave his Freyja behind while he performed his duties in the military. Obviously, he knew that he would one day be able to return home to her, but the dog had no clue why her father was missing from her life so suddenly. She perhaps even believed that he abandoned her and that she would never see him again! Maybe that’s one reason why her reaction to his homecoming was so amazing!

Surely this owner won’t ever take time with his dog for granted ever again after seeing how much he was missed by her!


Thankfully, the moment in which they were reunited was recorded for all to enjoy! We’re sure the owner will look back on this video fondly for years to come. The footage shows the soldier relaxing in his living room.

Suddenly, a door opens and the dog comes bursting into the room with two additional dogs. When Freyja first sees her owner, she cheers and celebrates from a distance. The owner blows a whistle, and the dog knows it’s time to come closer. After 9 long months of being without her favorite person, she happily runs over to him and jumps up with a look of pure happiness.

The dog is completely unable to contain her excitement as she jumps onto his lap and gleefully reunites with her father. She can be heard loudly whining out of pure joy and smirking as her father gives her some affection. She even refuses to let the other dogs see their owner, as she wants all the attention for herself!

Watch the video for yourself, as it’s sure to make you smile!

What do you think about this beautiful reunion? Let us know in the comments and show this heartwarming video to your friends and family!