Heartbroken Beagle Who Lost Her Puppies Adopts Possum and Now They're Inseparable

Feb 25, 2019

It was the saddest moment for Molly the Beagle when she gave birth to a dead litter of pups. It was an unimaginable day for this dog, but something extraordinary came about when Molly met Poss the Possum.

Living on a cattle ranch located west of Melbourne, Australia, Molly was in a mourning stage when she met this abandoned baby possum. “One day, out of nowhere, a possum climbed at the back of Molly,” narrated Sara Moyle, the beagle’s owner. “The two hit it off instantly and now they are best friends,” she continued.


Poss, the name the Moyle’s gave the possum, has always been around Molly. They are always seen together playing around and displaying fondness for each other. But unlike Molly, Poss being a nocturnal animal, sleeps in a tree.

But what is incredible is that when Poss is up in the tree, Molly will be down below keeping watch of her best friend.

“It seems like an odd partnership but they are just great together,”

Sara pointed out during the interview with 9 News Australia.


“I think the possum thought that Molly was her mother and Molly to her,” 

“They both needed each other to get through the day and it’s just a perfect kind of relationship.” 

Judging from their playfulness and rapport, it seems like the two are inseparable and will go a long way.

The relationship of these two animals is just a perfect example, that even with their differences, they can still coexist. As human beings who have the ability to think, it is really not that difficult to live harmoniously with another human being.

What do you think about this unlikely kinship? Does your pet have a weird friendship with another animal too? Let us know in the comments - and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family to make them smile!