Have You Ever Wondered Why It Feels So Weird To Poke Around In Your Belly Button?

Nov 23, 2017

•Why You Have To Pee After Your Belly Button Is Stimulated•What's That Weird Feeling During Belly Button Poking? •Have You Ever Wondered Why It Feels So Weird To Poke Around In Your Belly Button? Unless you have omphalophobia, which is the fear of the belly button... often as an entry point for disease, then you or someone you're mighty close with has likely poked around in your belly button before. Or, maybe you're a omphaloskeptic, and you often contemplate and ponder upon your belly button? Hey, I assure you that it's a real word. Some are innies and some are outties. Some are flat and some are wrinkled. Some are long and oval and some just look smushed. Hopefully, none have green eggs and ham, though. Whatever, the configurement, belly buttons are just oddly there. They're kind of like the visible appendix of the body in that most people often wonder what purpose they possibly serve to be worth all the ticklish trouble they cause. The belly button is actually a scar. It's the tissue leftover from the umbilical cord that attached mother to child for nutritional purposes. Even as a scar left over from such a beautiful process, belly buttons are still weird, and what's even weirder is when someone pokes around in it. Did you shiver? Be honest, you know the odd, tingly sensation in your groin we are talking about. It's like you need to make an urgent trip to the potty. Have you ever wondered what causes that? Dr. Christopher Hollingsworth of NYC Surgical Associates has the answer. When someone touches the inside of the navel, it's stimulating both the subcutaneous, or surface layer of skin, and the deeper inner layer of fibers that line your abdomen. When the abdominal cavity fibers are touched, they send out a signal to your spinal cord. Nerve signals from the urethra and bladder are also relayed via the same area of the spinal cord. The result is confusion, meaning that it feels to you the same as the discomfort of having to pee really badly. But, why don't we get the same confusing 'I must pee now' signal effect when someone touches us just around, not in, the belly button? The good doctor explains that touch outside the belly button doesn't hit or trigger the abdominal fibers located within the belly button, called the parietal peritoneum, which relays input to the spinal cord.The omphaloskeptic, omphalophobics, and all inquiring minds alike can now rest easy knowing what the weird feeling is that comes from belly button exploration.