Guy Catches Woman Sneaking Off With Fiancée’s Birthday Gifts But Neighbors Teach Her Lesson

Oct 20, 2020

What if you had an amazing gift that you were waiting for, only to find that someone stole it? Think of the feelings of rage and disappointment that you would feel. Waiting for something only to be disappointed is never a good experience.

Luckily, these types of situations don't stand a chance against today's technology so there is hope for humanity. Jeff and Kylee from Independence, Missouri, had an experience with a thief when their parcels were stolen, but considerate individuals went out of their way to help them out.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Jeff Harnar was waiting on a package with his fiancée Kylee’s birthday gift. According to FOX4, he had gotten the notification that the box had been delivered. Unfortunately, he did not see the box located in that particular area.

Thankfully, Jeff had a surveillance system that allowed him to get footage that showed the thief walking away with the package. The thief was a female wearing white shorts, a black tank top, and black flip flops. She was also accompanied by a guy who immediately started to walk away when he realized what she was about to do.

Unfortunately, Jeff did not know who this individual was. He felt so helpless about the fact that his girlfriend's birthday might actually be ruined because of someone else's unkind act. Then, something amazing happened.

Jeff posted the video onto social media and various individuals stepped in to help find the thief. Lots of her classmates had said that they went to school with her. This allowed them to give Jeff a name and other details that would help him to rightfully return the gifts to his girlfriend.

This also made the job easier for the police. When they arrived to speak with Jeff about the situation, he was able to give them her name. This allowed the police to find the gifts and put her into handcuffs.

Most people might find that this is an unbelievable situation. They might even find that Jeff was extremely lucky. This seems to be an indication of humanity's ability to remain helpful and trustworthy towards others. Hopefully, the individual who decided to make this bad decision learns from her mistakes so that she won't do the same thing in the future.

Use this incident to utilize the advancements of technology, and make sure that your property is safe and secured. Share this with everyone you know as a reminder that neighborhood solidarity still exists!

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