Group Of Marines Line Up In Perfect Formation, But Once The Routine Starts The Crowd Goes Nuts

Feb 06, 2019

Who doesn’t like a halftime show? This halftime show isn’t your typical kind. You’ll find the band, cheerleaders, dance team, and other performers replaced by drill performers!

The spectators of this game got to experience a halftime show like no other. If you are aware of how in step and precise any platoon is, you can only imagine how their drill performances are. And, if for some reason you’re not, don’t miss the chance to take a look into this type of entertainment. You won’t regret it.

Drill performances have existed since 1948 in the United States Marine Corps. The first one consisted of 24 men in a Marine rifle platoon. It took place at Marine Barracks Washington and the viewers were in the hundred-thousands. The event took place nation-wide and also abroad.

The platoon in the video is a wonderful example of how professional and disciplined a platoon is. It doesn’t matter if you are in the military or not, you have to admit that these guys are top notch.

Most performances include drill movements and handling of their weapons. This includes their bayonets which aren’t light. They actually weigh over ten pounds. Included in their drills are tossing and spinning the bayonets. This isn’t an easy task for some.

The Silent Drill Platoon isn’t for the average. It’s an elite group that has above average requirements even for entry. Members that want to be considered must be male. They must be within the range of height from 5’11-6’1. Not only is height a requirement, but there is a weight requirement as well. These requirements are set in order to ensure the group appears as uniform as possible.

The marines are chosen from two US marine schools. They are Camp Pendleton which is located in California and also Camp Lejeune that is located in North Carolina. Interviews take place and then they are assigned to a two-year tour in Washington D.C.

Apart from the duties they are required to fulfill, they will also be trained in the field. From this platoon, some will be chosen for special title holders such as riffle inspectors. The title for riffle inspector will only be given to two Marines out of the entire group.

This group does regular performances at events nation-wide and sometimes abroad. You can even find them at some NBA halftime shows. If you get the chance to view them, be sure not to miss out.

What do you think of this incredible routine? Let us know in the comments! Send this video on for others so they don't miss out! It’s definitely something that will have you feeling proud of your country.