Group Of Lively Hummingbirds Feed At Same Time On Bird-Lover’s Porch

Aug 11, 2020

Do hummingbirds fly solo all the time? People who watch birds in their yard might notice these fanciful creatures may fly by themselves a lot, and they will "team-up" when it comes time to feed.

As captured in this video from 2013, one bird lover in Valley Center, California left some food out, and a surprisingly large number of hummingbirds chose to join each other for a meal on the porch.

Can you blame them?

A good meal isn't easy to find when living in the wild. All these hummingbirds knew a good deal when they saw one. So, they converged on Cheryl's porch in Valley Center, California.

When Duane Reid and his wife, Cheryl, leave food out for the hummingbirds, it is not uncommon to see one or two approach the porch and dine. One day, things dramatically departed from the norm. About 150 hummingbirds all arrived at once. And they were hungry creatures, too.

One reason so many birds arrived was thanks to the amount of food offered. Several bird feeders hang on the porch, and that means there's a lot of food for scores of birds.

Still, why did so many birds arrive all at once this time? What kept their numbers down to one or two before?

No one knows for sure. Maybe this was a rare time where so many were in the same location at once.

It did not take long for the hummingbirds to amass on the porch. They swarmed within minutes, and the events were recorded on video. The video features the birds' enthusiastic dining.

Besides flapping their wings at incredible speeds and eating at a similarly frantic pace, the hummingbirds never stopped chirping. The chirping sounds broke the serene quiet of the porch and did so in a good way. The wonders of the natural world come with amazing sounds.

The hummingbirds also got to enjoy a safe dinner. Eating at a friendly couple's porch keeps them away from potentially unfriendly predators.

The video also captures the animals in their natural wonder. Anyone who loves birds will enjoy watching the short video.

Is there a bird lover that you know? Let them see the video. Maybe that person will feel inspired to buy a bird feeder and add seeds to it. Who knows how many hummingbirds will then show up. And let us know your thoughts on the video down below.