Grandma's Reaction After Meeting Her New Pup Is Warming Hearts Around The World

Feb 13, 2019

When I first caught sight of my current dog, my heart just melted in love. She is the best dog I have ever had in my life.

I have tons of wonderful memories of her already, and I am sure I will have a whole lot more before she goes on to doggy heaven.

I’m scared of the day I will lose my precious ball of fluff, but I also know it is something to be prepared for. When it happens, I’m sure I will need some time to properly grieve over my loss. A month or so ago, a grandmother named Lann in North Carolina had to experience this very issue. She lost her wonderful dog that had been with her for 14 years.

Lann was very close to the animal, especially since it happened to be her late husband’s dog, according to her grandson Matthew McVey. He wrote on a Facebook post that she was so upset when her dog died. They saw that her whole mood had changed whenever they came to visit her.

To try and lift up her spirits while she was in a rehabilitation facility, Lann’s amazing daughter decided to surprise her with Sammy, a dog from a nearby shelter that they had adopted for her. They recorded her heart-wrenching reaction to meeting her new canine friend to show friends and family.

The video has been viewed thousands of times since being posted online and gathered hundreds of comments. You’ll soon see why! Get your tissues out and watch it below now:

McVey said that they kept it all a surprise for his grandmother. Meeting her new dog brightened her spirits tremendously. McVey stated that she is really looking forward to getting home so that she can become acquainted with her new dog.

So many comments were left on the video that praised McVey and his family. Some mentioned how pure and beautiful the video is and how much they love it. Others wish for years of love and happiness for the beautiful pair.

According to McVey, it won’t be long until Lann can go home with her brand new addition. She is excited and can’t wait until he gets to live with her.

What did you think of such a sweet video?  Have you adopted a pet recently? Let us know, and pass this along to someone else to make their day!