Grandma Cuts Shapes In The Kitchen And Her Beagle Joins In

Sep 08, 2020

Dancing is a form of exercise that's ideal for both soul and body, but there's no rule restricting it only to humans. There are dogs present all across the internet that know how to bust a move as good as any two-legged Homo sapien, and frankly, it will raise your spirits just by witnessing them.

One pup has everyone giggling with their dance more than almost any other, and that's exactly why the video from 2019 became such a hit on social media. In it, a dog named Bailey shows off her dance moves alongside her human Wendy, and the result is too cute for words!

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Wendy Berenguer is 54 years old, and she's the owner of a beagle named Bailey. According to the Daily Mail, the pair resides in Naples, Florida, and they are both passionate fans of Puerto Rican music! Everybody knows that when you hear music that you love, you can't help but get up and dance along with it.

Apparently, the exact same phenomenon occurs inside Bailey's mind as well! The videographer is able to sneak into the kitchen and capture what appears to be an impromptu dance party with Bailey twisting back and forth while on her hind legs; her human joins in the fun and can't resist cutting a rug herself!

The pair absolutely lets loose, but each of them is shy when they know that they are being filmed. Bailey is especially camera shy, and when she discovers that she's being filmed, she's reluctant to continue her dancing.

However, thanks to a little bit of coaxing from Wendy, Bailey's able to get over her stage fright and loses herself once again in the music. She's moving in perfect synchronization to the beat, and it almost makes the crowd want to cheer along with a hearty, "Go Bailey! Go Bailey!"

Apparently, dancing is a pretty normal exercise activity in the house, and Wendy says that her pup will dance about twice each week. She'll dance on her own to the music without anyone else around, but if she gets a few people involved in her antics, Bailey will groove for a much longer time and is willing to dance more often.

With how totally adorable Bailey looks while she dances, it's hard to imagine the family not encouraging an encore performance on a daily basis!

The American Kennel Club identifies some of Bailey's breed traits as being one of the merriest. Beagles are also renowned for their friendliness, curiosity, and energetic attitude. It's no wonder they make such lovable pets for any household! Although being a stellar dancer isn't in the repertoire of all beagles, their inherent traits lend them well to the rhythm of the dance.

As an internet star, Bailey has brought a countless number of people smiles and laughter with her twisting, shaking dances. Wendy must have taught Bailey well; it's clear where the dancing skills come from! It's obvious that Wendy deserves praise just as much as Bailey does!

The video was first uploaded to Facebook in November of 2019, but it has since spread like wildfire. The adorable scene caught the eyes of thousands of people, many of whom expressed their delight in the comments.

Have you or your friends ever had a dance party with a breakdancing pooch? What music did you all groove to? We want to hear all about your body-shaking antics!

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