Grandma Carries Teen Down Steps Every Day Until Truth About Her Routine Comes Out Shocking The Public

Mar 05, 2019

True love is sacrifice and sacrifice is true love. This is a story about true love that went beyond the normal, everyday sacrifices that many people make for their loved ones.

It’s normal to see a mother or grandmother carry a toddler on their hip or bounce a baby in their arms. What is not so normal is seeing a grandmother struggle to carry her teenage grandson down a flight of steps. But this is exactly what Vinita Booker did every day for her 13-year old grandson Kristian.

Kristian suffers from cerebral palsy, a neurological disorder that is normally discovered upon the birth of the baby. There are varying forms of cerebral palsy, but in Kristian, it has caused paralysis requiring a wheelchair to move. Vinita would carefully bump the wheelchair down the steps outside of her home, and then carry Kristian to the wheelchair.

The moving video of this dedicated grandmother caught the public eye when it was shown on national television in 2018. This simple declaration of love moved some good Samaritans into action.

Bill Willman from Paric Construction knew that there was a simple solution that would benefit both grandmother and grandson. The answer was a ramp, and he knew he could build it. The construction company donated all the materials needed for the project and did not charge Vinita for their services. They built a deck and a ramp that extended all the way to the back gate for easier access for Kristian’s wheelchair.

Vinita was overwhelmed by these kind strangers’ generosity and thanked them profusely for the difference they made in her grandson’s life. She will no longer have to worry about tripping and falling and injuring her precious boy. She does not need to worry that if her physical health starts to decline, she won’t be able to help Kristian.

Amazingly, the story doesn’t stop there. Instead of rejoicing in the ramp and continuing as before, Vinita has taken it one step further. She now has funds earmarked to build a handicap accessible bathroom for Kristian.

What do you think of this amazing grandmother and her unshakeable devotion to her grandson? Let us know in the comments and cheer up your friends with this touching story of love and sacrifice.