Gorgeous Flycatcher Enjoys Swim In Japanese Birdbath

Jul 07, 2020

Bird watching isn't just for old people anymore! Though it was once considered a defining hobby of the elderly, bird watching is now an activity enjoyed by many people of all ages around the world. Even if you don't make a habit of tracking down birds and categorizing the varieties you find, it's hard not to be entranced by the beautiful colors and delicate movements of tiny birds when you do happen to see them.

One innovative man in Japan has proven this with his specially-designed, solar-powered birdbath where he manages to record the antics of a brilliantly-colored Flycatcher bird enjoying its own little spa day.

It's important for birds to have access to fresh, clean water on a regular basis. They expend a lot of energy trying to find food, and easy access to water helps keep them cool and clean and gives them more time to spend trying to find something to eat. In Japan, one man addressed this problem with his own unique solution.

The birdbath he created is truly an avian paradise. He designed his own setup that keeps the water circulating and provides an elevated dripping stream as well. This mini waterfall makes it easier for the birds to splash the water all over themselves for a thorough cleaning. The circulation in the water is also important, as it helps keep the water fresh and prevents scum growing on it and debris from settling in it. Stillwater can also become stagnant, which can attract insects like mosquitoes who are looking for a place to lay their eggs. 


The circulation installed in this birdbath helps prevent these issues and is powered by a solar device. This helps make the moving bath sustainable as well as enjoyable for all kinds of birds. The designer of this setup also added a small dish of birdseed nearby to make it easier for visitors to find food and so the spa experience can be complete.

The designer also had the foresight to install a camera to record the visitors to his little oasis. In the recorded video, you can see several birds come and go. There are even a few squabbles over this popular spot as birds vie for the food and the high-tech bath. One of the most stunning visitors, though, is the young Flycatcher. This bird has vibrant blue feathers up its wings and back, and beautiful white, brown, and cream feathers covering the rest of its body. 

The young male can be seen standing in the chest-deep water where he dunks his head under the surface to fling water over his back and give himself a nice bath. He ruffles his feathers and hops in and out of the little water dish a few times and even looks directly at the camera on several occasions! It's hard not to be delighted by his adorable antics! 

Be sure to tell us what you think about the video in the comments! Have you ever tried bird watching as a hobby? Or do you prefer watching these adorable, colorful little animals whenever they happen to cross your path? Be sure to pass this video along to friends and family who love birds or if they can benefit from a little splash of light and color in their lives!