Good Samaritans Reportedly Paid For Over 70 Homeless People To Stay In Hotel During Snow Storm

Apr 18, 2019

It is very sad to see a person in need and not be able to help them. However, there are people with the financial ability to help anyone in need. What a homeless person needs the most, apart from food and clothing, is a home.

Imagine a homeless person getting a place where they can finally feel safe and secure. Wouldn't that be amazing? Here is a story of some homeless people who got something they needed the most.

The 70 Homeless People

Chicago experiences deep freeze weather conditions that can be grueling for the homeless. The temperatures can get dangerously low putting the homeless at high risk.

Outside Chicago's University Village were 70 homeless people who were camping there.

At that time, the temperatures were at negative 22 degrees, and they did not have a source of heat.

Initially, the group of homeless people had been using donated propane tanks to keep them warm in the icy weather. Unfortunately, one of the tanks exploded and Walter Schroder, the chief of the Chicago Fire Department, told them to stop using them.

He said that if all the tanks exploded at the same time, the explosion would be similar to that of a bomb exploding.

While the fire department was taking the tanks, the Salvation Army wanted to take the homeless to a center where they could get help. However, an anonymous person's gesture changed this plan.

A good Samaritan decided to help the 70 people by putting them up in a hotel.

What's more, he offered to pay their bill for an entire week. This helped to ensure that the homeless stayed out of the cold for a few more days.

The Salvation Army responded by saying that they were happy someone offered to provide a warm and safe place for the homeless to stay during the freezing weather.

The anonymous person's gesture helped save the lives of dozens of homeless people. Their lives would have been at high risk because of the extremely low temperatures in Chicago.

Thanks to that person, they stayed safe and warm for a whole seven days.

When the weather conditions are this harsh, the homeless are urged to go to homeless shelters near them to get help. However, this group decided to camp outside.

There are still good people out there. The world needs more people like the anonymous person. Help spread the good in the world by forwarding this story to your social media followers.