Goldie Hawn Jumping On Trampoline Is Our Energizing Video Of The Day

May 23, 2020

Actress Goldie Hawn, 74, posted a video on Instagram last week showing her jumping up and down on a trampoline to the soundtrack of Dua Lipa’s power-pop number Physical.

Goldie Hawn is Queen of the Trampoline

This footage of Hawn’s ebullient workout routine has rocked the world with uncanny delight. She is clearly pumped to be going through the rigorous motions. The beloved Five Wives Club actress can easily outpace a lot of younger crowds thanks to her bold commitment to fitness.

With her incredibly intensive regimen now on display for the whole world to see, it’s safe to say the secret to this acting legend’s enviable physique is officially out of the bag. In the caption that accompanied this upload, the silver-screen goddess declared, “Dance, jump and twirl like nobody’s watching.”

Setting Universal Fitness Goals to Defy Expectations

This piece of footage shows that a healthy lifestyle can transcend age. In fact, the Hollywood icon looks downright ageless in this clip. Hawn is setting the bar high, but her dedication to personal wellness is something we should all aspire to emulate.

You can practically feel the calories burning vicariously every single time she lets out an enthusiastic “woo!” The way she gasps at the end is highly relatable. Her fierce excitement is palpable throughout the effervescent display, and the lively-sounding music set the tempo just right. In fact, she even thanked Dua Lipa for “the best addition to my trampoline playlist!”

Everyone Loves Goldie in Hollywood

When this exhilarating piece of visual entertainment hit the web, its ensuing celebrity fanfare was all too real. Hawn was showered with praise and accolades from her fellow performers. The next generation of acting absolutely idolizes this legend, and when you consider her enormous cultural contributions, their love for her is with good reason.

She received a sizable string of heart emojis from Natalie Portman alongside Andy Cohen’s response of an exalting high-five symbol. Meanwhile, Melanie Griffith stated, “You are the bomb in the bomba,” and Katie Couric exclaimed, “Go, Goldie, Go!”

The Elegance of Hawn’s World

With just one glance, you can tell that this gal is definitively living her best life. In her maturity, she has shown zero signs of slowing down, and her graceful aging is setting the gold-standard for all of womankind. In recent years, she has thoroughly documented lavish international excursions with her daughter, Kate Hudson.

Hawn is also set to co-star in The Christmas Chronicles 2 with Kurt Russell, but the current quarantine has momentarily put the project on hiatus. Despite the movie’s postponement, it’s safe to assume these two are spending a lot more time together right now as husband and wife. Can you believe they’ve been married since 1983?

Help the Whole Planet Get in Shape Like Her

This miniature film is bound to supply you with ample quantities of cheer, laughter and encouragement. The magic of this star’s exhaustive approach to staying fit should be witnessed by everyone, so make sure to help all your friends and family members discover the sheer bliss of Hawn’s “Physical” prowess in action.