Golden Retriever Sees Bird Struggling In Pool & Rushes Over To Save Its Life.

Mar 11, 2019

All dog owners will readily attest to the fact these animals will do anything to help and protect humans. However, dogs have also been known to come to the aid of other animals facing life-threatening situations.

One golden retriever living in Argentina faced a need to go into hero mode recently. Yago proved he is well worth having around if ever faced with a disaster.

Mariana Corti, Yago's owner, was just rising from bed when she heard a strange noise come from her backyard. Mariana told Radio Mitre she heard a large flutter come from the backyard. She says when she looked out the window, she saw a pigeon struggling for its life in the swimming pool.

Yago was in the backyard at the time and noticed the struggle of the bird. The dog watched closely from the end of the pool. It was obvious he realized something was very wrong.

Mariana began to record as Yago ran around the pool in search of a way to help the pigeon. Yago finally reached over the side of the pool, gently placed his mouth on the wing of the pigeon, and pulled the bird to safety. Once the bird was safe from the water, Yago placed it gently on the ground.

The pigeon remained on the ground next to the pool for a moment or two. Once dry enough to fly, the bird did so. He left the scene alive and no worse for wear than when the ordeal began.

Mariana was proud of her dog and shared the video on social media. She was surprised at the viral attention the video garnered. She said her intent was to share the video with people familiar with Yago.

But the video exploded with popularity once it began to be shared. The woman smiles before saying many commenters on the post have called Yago a hero.

Fortunately for us all, the video of Yago's rescue of his new friend is still available online for all to enjoy.

Your Thoughts

What did you think about Yago's rescue of the drowning pigeon? Do you think there any animals more loyal than dogs? Send this article and video to the people in your social media circles. They will be happy to share the moment with Yago and Mariana.