Golden Retriever Caught Carrying Little Kitten In Mouth And Decides To Keep It As Her Own

Jun 28, 2021

Dogs have good instincts when it comes to taking care of their own puppies, but they are also able to use those same instincts to help and look after other baby animals in need. In an incredible video from 2019, a golden retriever can be seen carrying a tiny white kitten in its mouth. The dog was rushing somewhere with a purpose, and it wasn’t clear what was happening until she set the kitten down.

The little kitten was not in good health, and it looked as if it was starving. Fortunately, the dog’s owner was nearby to get the kitten some milk, and they were able to feed the baby cat from a bottle. The golden retriever never left the kitten’s side and kept a close eye as the human fed and cared for the kitten. The kitten must have been a stray that the dog found outside somewhere.

The kitten probably wouldn’t have survived much longer on its own, so it's a miracle the golden retriever was able to follow her instincts and rescue the poor thing before it was too late. In the video, you can also see the moment when the dog and cat are sleeping together. The kitten was adorably curled up between the golden retriever’s paws. 

These two animals now share an unbreakable bond, and it is so beautiful to witness the love between them. At the end of the video, you can see the dog using her nose to help push the little kitten up some stairs. It seems as if this golden retriever thinks of the kitten as her baby and wants to make sure it grows up strong and healthy.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

The video has over 8 million views on Youtube, and many people stopped to share their thoughts on this touching story. The description of the video reads, “This is so beautiful and kind, that baby kitty was helpless and starving, so glad the sweet golden (retriever) saved it. Golden retrievers have a heart full of love and warmth.”

One person wanted everyone to stop and pay close attention to how heroic the dog was in this situation. “Can we please just have a moment to appreciate how caring that dog was and saved the kitten,” they wrote in their comment. Who knows what could have happened to the kitten if the golden retriever was not there to rescue it. 

Another person had well wishes for the golden retriever and her family. They commented, “Bless this four legged angel and a good-hearted human. I hope the kitten thrives now and brings you both a future of joy.” Animals have a unique way of brightening our lives; it is so special to see them working to help one another. 

According to The American Kennel Club, golden retrievers are one of the most popular breeds in the country. They are not only beautiful, with their long golden hair, but are also serious workers that can be trained to lead the blind and work in search and rescue missions. It is part of this breed’s instincts to help those in need. These dogs are highly intelligent, which is what makes them so trainable and well-behaved. These lovable animals make great family pets as they have a merry attitude and demeanor.

Als der Heilungsprozess der Katze begann, hätte der Hund das Kätzchen leicht in besseren Händen lassen können, um zu seinem Alltag zurückzukehren. Stattdessen war der Hund bei jedem Schritt dabei und beobachtete das Kätzchen, wie es gierig Flasche für Flasche trank und seine ersten wackeligen Schritte im Haus machte. Der Hund nistete das Kätzchen sogar zwischen seinen Pfoten ein, damit es sich ausruhen konnte.

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