Going On A Cruise Has Mental And Emotional Health Benefits, Says Study

Sep 04, 2018

If you are feeling drained or overworked, a new study might have the answers. It's normal to feel tired out from the stress of work and family life, but you do not have to keep feeling so exhausted. While a weekend party might help you blow off steam, you will end up with a nasty headache and even more exhausted later on.

Instead of looking for a short-term fix, you need a long-term solution that helps you relax. 

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Recently, researchers at Zhejiang University in China conducted a study on how cruises benefit your health. The study observed the long-term and short-term effects on tourists dependent on their emotional and relational experiences from cruise travel. 



It turns out that a cruise is not just a lot of fun and a great vacation option. Going on a cruise can actually boost your mental and emotional health and even improve your heart. A cruise provides a "total escape experience" with safe transportation to exotic destinations. This offers passengers a chance to engage in unique and memorable experiences without forfeiting comfort and leisure. 


The participants, a group of men and women ranging in age, income, and whether or not they were first-time cruise travelers or not, reported increased happiness, and felt that the cruise allowed them to escape their troubles and kept them relaxed. The friendly cruise staff and amenities also helped make the cruise an enjoyable experience. 


Unlike a weekend party, the results lasted long-term. Six months after the study ended, passengers still had better health and a more positive outlook. 


Taking regular vacations is vital to your overall health, and a cruise is perhaps the right option for you if you seek new thrills without having to overexert yourself. 

When it comes down to it, the Chinese study's results were not that shocking. Anyone who has ever been on a cruise knows how much fun it can be. Whenever you are stressed out from a long day at the office, save some money for your next getaway. You deserve to pamper yourself, and scientists now say that a vacation is great for your health. 

If you love taking cruises, let us know your favorite destinations and adventures.