Girl Sees Sudden Flash Of Light Outside Tent And Rushes Out To Find Boyfriend Face Down & Then Sees This

Jul 20, 2018

Eighteen-year-old Juliet Moore decided to take her boyfriend Isaiah Cormier for a weekend camping trip in the beautiful Ruby Gulch grounds in Colorado. She would never have gone had she known what was going to happen to her boyfriend.

It only takes a second to change your life forever. Juliet and Isaiah were returning from their hike just as it was about to get dark. The weather was starting to get gloomy, so they hurried to lock up all of their gear to prevent it from getting wet.

Juliet managed to duck into their tent before getting drenched. She immediately saw a bright flash outside the tent, not knowing what it was. Worried, she called out to Isaiah to ask if he knew where the light had come from. He didn't answer her. Already imagining the worst, a terrified Juliet peaked outside of the tent to find that the worst had actually happened.

Juliet will never forget what she saw that day. Isaiah had been struck by lightening and he was left with a gushing wound in his neck. Juliet didn't hesitate to rush to his rescue and assess his injuries.

She couldn't find a pulse and noticed that Isaiah had stopped breathing. She refused to give up on him, though. Luckily for Juliet, she had just learned how to perform CPR a few weeks before their camping trick. She sprung to action, hoping her chest compressions could restart Isaiah's heart.

Juliet was overwhelmed with relief when Isaiah let out a few breaths shortly after starting chest compressions. However, he abruptly stopped breathing again. Juliet would stop at nothing to save him. She refused to believe that it was his time to die so soon.

Thanks to her tireless efforts and quick thinking, Juliet was able to fully revive Isaiah and keep him awake.

As soon as he was stable enough, she stopped to call 911 and call out to nearby campers. Luckily, a father and son were close by and they came over to give them a ride to the hospital.

Isaiah has made a full recovery and he will never forget how brave his girlfriend was. This scary story had a happy ending, but things could have been much worse if Juliet didn't know CPR. It just goes to show that everyone should CPR because you never know when you'll have to use it!

Watch the video below to hear more about this incredible story:

Did this story amaze you? Be sure to spread this news to everyone you know so that they can learn how to save a life like Juliet!