Girl Pretends To Be Injured To Save A Stray Dog

Oct 07, 2019

After Amanda Guarascio and Dylan Parkinson found out about a homeless dog that was dying of hunger at a camping site called Evans Creek, they wanted to try to save him. They needed perseverance and a great imagination to accomplish their goal, but they succeeded. Learn how they found the key to this compassionate dog’s heart and how they were able to rescue him.

The circumstances that led up to saving the dog, called Baby Bear were posted on Facebook.

Amanda stated that after she and Dylan heard about the dog they drove to Evans Creek last night. They were surprised to see him sitting alongside a road, and they tried to tempt him to come to them by offering him food. Not much was accomplished.

So, they walked away and came back carrying frankfurters. They remained close to him for hours during the night and left to go home at 3 o’clock in the morning. They returned the following day with another plan in mind.

Amanda said she lowered herself to the ground and faced her back to the dog they named Baby Bear. She began to move backward on her hands and knees, in the dog’s direction. She faked being injured to get the dog to approach her.

She said she began to moan and give the canine a signal used by dogs to show they’re not a threat. It was a yawn. Amanda inched her way up to him and rested her body against his. He stood up and started to look for a safe place for them as he thought she was feeble and unable to save herself. He acted as her guardian. Success! Amanda got close to Baby Bear, put her arms around him, and took him away.

She said carrying the dog was a must. She lifted him from the ground and gently placed him in the pickup. They cuddled all the way to the veterinarian’s office, and she carried the 57-pound dog to the animal doctor when she got there.

After being transported to the Useless Bay Sanctuary, Baby Bear was placed with foster parents. He was soon adopted by a lovely family.

Amanda and Dylan’s kind deed saved Baby Bear’s life. Their kindness brought much happiness.

Have you ever heard about a similar rescue? Let us know what you think about the way this dog was saved. Be sure to pass this article along to make people aware of this heart-warming story!