Giant Tortoise And Baby Cow In Thailand Became Unlikely Buddies

Jan 11, 2020

Birds of a feather may get together, but so did this cow and this turtle. The friendship that developed between a tortoise named Leonardo and a baby cow called Simon has made this couple inseparable.

Leonardo is much smaller than Simon, but he’s one of the largest turtles of his species. He’s an African spurred tortoise with a friendly disposition. Simon is a meek soul who is missing part of a leg as a result of an injury.

Leonardo was taken into the Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT) in 2013. A cow named Simon came to live at this sanctuary in Thailand three years later. The two animals wound up living there very close together.

It never bothered Leonardo when Simon would come up to him to gently and affectionately press his head against him. Simon did this on many occasions, and Leonardo would always stay put when the cow behaved like this. Whenever Simon stood close to Leonardo, he was always cautious about accidentally stepping on his little friend.

It was quite obvious that these two animals were extremely fond of each other. They found great pleasure in sunbathing together, and they loved to spend time with each other.

Although Leonardo could care less about taking walks with Simon, the cow would express his desire to walk with Leonardo by lightly pushing his head against the tortoise. Simon doesn’t hold back when it comes to showing Leonardo he loves him, and Leonardo loves it.

The WFFT is an institution that saves abused animals and disabled animals. It’s a non-profit foundation that works hard to help animals in need, and it counts on contributions for its various projects.

If everyone was as open-hearted as Simon and Leonardo, the world would be a better place. Spread the word about this uncommon but genuine friendship with everyone you know.