Giant Beached Manta Ray Is Surrounded By People Taking Pictures, But One Man Decides To Saves Its Life

Nov 19, 2018

If you've seen a stingray, then you likely know that there are differences between it and a manta ray.

Since they both have a plated appearance, they are often put in categories of marine life that are avoided at all costs by people who visit the coast or swim in the ocean.

Martina Wing tries to explain to people the differences between the two animals. A manta ray has eyes on the sides of its head while a stingray has eyes on top of its head. The manta ray appears like a bird while swimming in the water and doesn't have a stinger that a stingray has, making it less threatening in the water.

Aside from swimming quickly away from danger, the manta ray doesn't have many defenses.

Sometimes, manta rays can get tangled in fishing nets or get lost in the water and end up beached. When one manta ray ended up on a crowded beach, several people stopped to look at it, taking pictures and simply admiring the animal from the ocean.

As everyone else stood by, one man decided to try to help the manta ray get back into the water.

Keep in mind that this ray was about three times larger than some of the people on the beach. The man got a knife and cut the fishing net from the animal. Since the animal was still alive, there was a good chance of getting it back into the water so that it could swim away.

What did you think of this mans act of heroism? Would you do the same? Let us know in the comments - and don't forget to share on your social media!