Get Your Tissues Ready - The Trailer For 'I Am Paul Walker' Has Just Been Released

Aug 06, 2018

Paul Walker tragically passed away in a car accident more than five years ago. His death was sudden and untimely and shook millions to their core. Hollywood is determined to keep his memory alive as long as possible.

Many celebrities have since spoken out about how they reacted when they learned of Walker’s death, including Vin Diesel. Vin Diesel was Walker’s co-star in the hit movie The Fast & The Furious, as well as the follow-up movies. Vin Diesel even honored the memory of his friend by naming his daughter Pauline after him.

Diesel poured his heart out in a Facebook post concerning the tragic loss of his friend. He talks about having to fly immediately out to California when he heard of the accident, and he made sure that he headed straight to Walker’s mother’s home. He says that he believed they needed his strength but quickly realized he needed theirs just as much.

His mother called Walker his “other half” and told him how sorry she was.

Meadow, Walker’s 19-year-old daughter, has often paid tribute to her late father. Three years ago, she launched the Paul Walker Foundation in order to share a part of him that meant a lot to her. She stated in an Instagram photo in 2015 that she started to reflect on her father’s many passions. He loved the ocean, people, and rescuing animals. He called his goodwill “spontaneous.” She said she wished to start the foundation because it was her way to share the type of person he was with the world. She then launched The Paul Walker Foundation on his birthday.

Everyone is in on giving Paul Walker the lasting recognition he deserves. We have just witnessed the documentary entitled “I Am Paul Walker,” where you will see interviews with his many loved ones and scenes from his early life. The documentary aims to show the world the kind of man Walker was, both on screen and off.

To watch the whole documentary, set your alarms to 9 pm on August 11th. The documentary will be shown on the Paramount Network.

Ready to watch a preview of this beautiful tribute? Click on the video below.

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