Get Rid Of Cracks, Calluses, and Corns on Your Heels With THESE Home Remedies

Sep 10, 2018

When you walk constantly at work, it can lead to corns and calluses on your feet. Unfortunately, these blemishes can be extremely difficult to get rid of. Luckily, there are a few ways you can eliminate cracks, corns and calluses at home.

There are a few signs that you may need professional care. If the corn is bleeding or located on a bone, go to your doctor. You should also visit a doctor if it is exceptionally large or causes pain. For smaller corns and calluses, the following tricks can help you get rid of them.

A callus basically forms because of constant pressure. As more pressure is applied, the skin continues to become rougher and thicker. You can reverse this process by using the right home remedies.

1. Foot Baths

This is one remedy that everyone has heard of. It is so effective that medical clinics frequently use it. In most cases, it takes just two or three foot soaks to remove your calluses.

The Technique: Blend a tablespoon of liquid soap and three tablespoons of baking soda into a gallon of warm water. Then, place your feet into a tub of the mixture for 25 minutes. This will help to soften your feet. Once the 25 minutes are up, remove your feet and use a pumice stone. The pumice stone will help to rub away the hard calluses. When you are finished, use a soothing cream to moisturize your feet. Look for a cream that has an antiseptic like calendula, chamomile or eucalyptus.

2. Glycerin and Socks

This is another treatment that works wonders on your feet. It instantly starts to get rid of your calluses. Plus, it makes your entire foot feel amazingly soft.

The Technique: Blend 20 drops of ammonia into half a cup of glycerin. Make sure that it is completely blended together. Then, apply the mixture onto your feet. You can save any of the mixture that is left for tomorrow night. Put cotton socks on to keep the mixture on your feet as you sleep. Normally, this technique works within about 10 nights.

3. Use Lemon Juice

This method will leave your feet smelling amazing. While this technique is popular in Japan, the lemon's acidity can be a little uncomfortable. The lemon juice will remove cracks, soften your skin and lighten the color of your skin. It can remove calluses in just five days.

The Technique: Grate a medium-sized lemon and the peel. Then, place the mixture on your calluses. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before washing it off.

4. Paraffin

Paraffin is commonly used by cosmetologists to soften and moisturize the skin. If you do not have any paraffin at home, you can also use regular wax.

The Technique: Melt the wax in the microwave in a big bowl. Use equal parts of mustard oil and wax. The mustard oil should be added after you heat up the wax to help cool it down. Then, dip your feet into the mixture. Wrap your feet in a towel and polyethylene film. Leave this on for 15 minutes. Now, remove the wax mixture. Use a nail file to polish away your calluses. After you are done, add a soothing cream and put on cotton socks to lock the moisture into your skin.

Drug Store Products for Calluses

When you shop at the drug store, there are a few creams and products that can help your feet. Look for products that have urea or salicylic acid. Both of these ingredients help to get rid of keratinized cells. You can also try special patches that are designed for calluses. These can be worn throughout the day.

Exfoliating socks are also great for your feet. You merely wear these socks for 15 to 20 minutes. Afterward, apply moisturizing cream. These socks will not get rid of hardened calluses, but they will work for minor problems and dryness.

Make Sure to Buy the Right Shoes

The best cure is prevention. Buying the right shoes can ensure that you no longer have to deal with calluses, corns or cracks on your feet.

Gel Liners: Gel liners are amazing for your feet. They help to reduce friction, so they prevent calluses from happening.

Spend More: You do not want to be cheap when it comes to your feet. Go for natural materials that help your feet breathe.

Break in New Shoes: When you buy new shoes, do not wear them for the entire day. Instead, allow your feet to gradually get used to the shoes by wearing them for a few hours at a time.

What do you think? What are your favorite home remedies for removing corns and calluses? Pass this on to your friends and loved ones who might need those tips as well.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!