Get Rid Of Back Pain For Good With These 10 Simple Techniques

Oct 12, 2018

Back pain can be a pain in the neck, literally and metaphorically. Most chiropractors cost an arm and a leg for their services and a lot of times the relief of back pain is only temporary. Don't worry, we're here to provide you with ten ways to relieve back pain.

1. Keeping Your Feet Warm

Weird right? Studies have shown that there is a link between our feet and our backs. Typically when there is nerve damage in the spine it affects the legs and feet. Paralysis is one of the most apparent relationships between the back and the feet. Keeping them nice and toasty will ease back pain by decreasing inflammation.

2. Smoking

Smoking and vaping can cause blood vessels throughout your body to constrict and be damaged. These constrictions cause pain in the back. There are several other health risks when it comes to smoking. The best way these risks is to reduce and ultimately quit smoking. If you are addicted to smoking, there are websites and organizations that can help you.

3. Depression

Depression and anxiety don't just affect one's mental health, they also take a toll on the body. Treating your depression can treat your back pain as well. Studies show engaging the brain in different activities will help depression and physical pain associated with it.

4. Stretch Those Hamstrings

Hamstrings directly impact your lower back which is why it is so important to stretch those muscles daily. Touching your toes once a day can ease any lower back pain you're feeling.

5. Heating and Cooling Pads

This technique is best if you recently injured your back. Apply a cold pack to your back to ease the pain. Make sure you always place a cloth or some sort of barrier between the pack and your skin. After using a cool pack, take a break. After your back has returned to its regular temperature, apply a heating pad to the injured area. Make sure not to burn your skin during the process. Alternate between cold and hot packs as necessary.

6. Relax

One of the main causes of back pain is tension. It's important to relax for a multitude of reasons. Relaxation releases hormones that help ease the pain. There are many affordable and not time-consuming ways to relax.

7. Yoga And Other Stretches

Flexibility allows more movement in the muscles in your back. As stated earlier, tension is one of the main causes of back pain. Yoga stretches out the back and lowers tension. Find a yoga program that focuses on back pain, whether a video on the internet or an in-person class.

8. Work Your Core

Your core muscles are directly beneath your back. Working and strengthening them will allow your back to be better supported. An alternative method to working out is wearing a girdle or shapewear that supports your back. These can be found in the average department store. Likewise, exercises to help your core can be easily found online.

9. Mattresses

Our beds are one of the most comfortable places in the world, at least they should be. If you wake up with back pain, it could be due to an unsupportive mattress. Obtaining a bed that is best for you is very important.

10. Acupuncture

This is a great alternative if you want a specialist to treat you without worrying about the cost of going to a hospital.

Tell us your opinion, do you suffer from back pain? If so, what do you do to help ease the pain? Let us know in the comments and show this article to someone you know who suffers from back pain.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!