Get A Perfect Butt And Toned Legs In No Time With These 12 Simple Exercises

Jul 25, 2018

Squats, squats, squats! Trainers like Alex Silver-Fagan, swear by them. If you want a perfect butt and amazing legs, all you need is one simple exercise. They can even help tone your abs, especially if you focus on squeezing your abdominal muscles to stabilize your form throughout the entire movement.

We here at APost recommend you complete these exercises according to the weekly plan listed below - but feel free to combine this with other forms of exercise, as well! Your body will thank you for it.

1. Squat

Make sure to engage your abdominal muscles, keep your back straight, and your feet flat on the ground.

2. Sumo squat

These squats are great for your abdominal muscles, as well.

3. Reaching sumo squat

Do these in quick succession to get your heart beating.

4. Kickback squat

These will put your glute muscles in gear!

5. Jump squat

Make sure to engage your arms in this exercise.

6. Oblique squat

Your abs will be sore after this one.

7. Narrow squat

This will make your thighs burn for sure.

8. Pistol squat

This is an advanced move - feel free to stabilize yourself on something until you can do it free-standing.

9. Curtsy squat.

You'll feel so polite while engaging so many muscle groups at the same time!

10. Split squat

Get ready to feel the burn in your calves, hips, and glutes.

11. Squat with toe taps

Otherwise known as the "booty burn," according to Silver-Fragan, a Nike squat expert.

12. Pop squat

This final exercise minimizes the burn you'll feel tomorrow by flushing out lactic acid with some light cardio to wrap things up.

Weekly Training Plan

Have you completed this training plan? How do you feel? Let us know your results, and show this to your workout buddy!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!