German Shepherd Caught Adorably Red-Handed After Stealing A Bucket

Dec 04, 2018

We know how many of you guys out there are dog lovers. Even if they bark too much or tear up your homework, you still love them at the end of the day. Some people even see their dogs like their kids. As well behaved as they may be, you have to wonder what they decide they can get away with when you're not around.

This German Shepherd decided to play with his owner's bucket that he knows is off limits. He doesn't know that his owner is filming him breaking a rule. As soon as he realizes he's caught on camera (or at least that she's watching), he drops the bucket.

He probably thinks he's gonna be in trouble, but her amused reaction doesn't seem to indicate so. This goes to show he knew he was doing something he shouldn't have been but thought he might be in the clear.

This video probably has you wondering what your dog gets into when you're not home. They may know they're not allowed to go through the trash, but there's nothing stopping them. You've probably returned home and caught your pet in the act once or twice!

Or you may have come home to the aftermath of what they did. It might not be fun to deal with when it happens but makes for a good story later on.

Of course, it's expected that our canine friends will try to get into mischief at some point or another. Even though they've been trained to know better, they still can't help it. Especially when they're left at home alone.

They could get bored without their fellow humans around, and what better thing to do than something they're normally not allowed to? There may be a price to pay later, but it'll be worth it.

What mischevious things has your dog done while you were watching (or not)? Tell us your stories in the comments and send this article to a dog-lover you know, they're sure to recognize the look on this pup's face!