German Shepherd Assists Orphaned Fawns Found On The Side Of The Road

Jul 01, 2020

The beautiful German Shepherd in question is Sarge. Sarge's owners routinely take in injured or abandoned wildlife and take on the tedious process of nursing the animals back to health. They must also train these animals for survival before they can be safely released back into the wild. It is not an easy process, but it is a rewarding one. And Sarge, who loves other animals, makes sure to help out.

Back in 2015, Sarge took an injured fawn named Buckwheat under his wing when his owners brought it home. He even helped nurse it back to health, before Buckwheat was released back into the wild after recovering.

German Shepherd dogs are one of the most intelligent and industrious breeds. Although they are loving and affectionate, they also require a lot of stimulation to keep boredom at bay. That is why so many German Shepherds are employed as professional animals. They need a task to focus on to keep themselves engaged. However, if they aren't given a task, they will often invent one. And as owner Cheryl Stephens told The DodoSarge was a rambunctious puppy for that reason.

Over time, however, Sarge began taking an interest in his owner's work. A rotating crew of injured wildlife is certain to get any pup's attention. Given the sometimes dubious reputation of the breed, you may expect Sarge would react aggressively toward these vulnerable orphans. However, this couldn't be farther from reality.

Sarge began taking on the responsibility of caring for these animals. Sometimes this would include licking their wounds, keeping them warm, or just keeping them company. Being displaced is a scary experience for a wild animal, and Sarge probably wanted to make sure that these animals felt safe. At first, Sarge's owners most likely would keep him away from the rescued wildlife. However, it seems that they quickly realized that Sarge was a natural caretaker.

Sarge is now most often seen snuggling up to these creatures and making sure they are taken care of.

Several years ago, Sarge's owners brought back an injured fawn named Buckwheat, according to The Dodo. After a period of recovery wherein Sarge hardly ever left the fawn's side, they were able to release the tiny deer back into its home in the forest.

“When I walk in the door carrying a fawn, Sarge springs into action. He wants to check them over and he will frantically sniff and nose around to determine their condition,” Sarge's mom Cheryl Stephen told The Dodo. “The fawns are drawn to Sarge and feel safe in his presence. Sarge won’t leave their side.”

What do you think about Sarge's nursing skills? Tell us your favorite example of a dog taking on a job of their very own! And don't forget to pass this story on to fellow animal lovers.